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<skyjuice> Hello all
<skyjuice> Is there a function/way to directly view the relations of a class?
<skyjuice> i.e : (showRel +User)
<skyjuice> : (rel nm (+Need +Key +String))
<skyjuice> : (rel pw (+Swap +String))
<skyjuice> : ....
f[x] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<abu[7]> Just quote +User (showRel '+User)
<abu[7]> (show '+User)
<abu[7]> (show '+User 'nm)
<abu[7]> Or simply (vi '+User)
<abu[7]> Good night :)
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<skyjuice> Awesome, thanks abu[7]
<skyjuice> Good night
skyjuice has quit [Quit: Client closed]