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<tankf33der> morning all
<abu[7]> Hi tankf33der!
<tankf33der> gmp bindings to BigFloat implemented, i will announce somehow.
<abu[7]> Cool!
<abu[7]> Nice, only 302 lines
<tankf33der> rest by request.
<tankf33der> more testing are required
<abu[7]> ok
<tankf33der> since i know nothing about floats
<abu[7]> I see, you set values in buffers, and the result is in another buffer
<tankf33der> Like in orig library
<tankf33der> yea
<tankf33der> Afk
<tankf33der> The only function call which is wrong in binding is mpf_get_str, i dont return exponent.
<tankf33der> Anyway bunding required real usage
<abu[7]> The precision is always implicit?
<tankf33der> There are default prec or for every var
<tankf33der> default 64bits
<tankf33der> iirc
<tankf33der> I prefer pil's fixed point math :).
<abu[7]> 😎
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