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<fuxoft> The docs for pico say: "A global constant holding the initial (default) namespace of internal symbols. Its value is a cons pair of two 'idx' trees, one for symbols with short names and one for symbols with long names (more than 7 bytes in the name)." Is this true? It looks like a standard idx tree to me, not a cons pair of two trees
<abu[7]> The doc is correct here
<fuxoft> Then how come (length (car pico)) is 1?
<fuxoft> Shouldn't (car pico) be the first of two tree?
<fuxoft> Shouldn't (car pico) be the first of two trees?
<abu[7]> The car is in fact '~
<abu[7]> s (cadr pico))
<abu[7]> (less (cadr pico))
<abu[7]> (less (cddr pico))
<abu[7]> These are the two trees
<abu[7]> The pair is consed with the symbol '~' as a marker
<beneroth> fuxoft, use (view pico) to see whole tree rendered as ascii (from left to right)
<abu[7]> So at runtime namespaces can be detected
<abu[7]> So indeed the ref is incomplete
<abu[7]> I will add a note
<beneroth> :)
<beneroth> abu[7], you got time for another question?
<fuxoft> O
<abu[7]> Sure :)
<beneroth> abu[7], the ref for *DB says "Except during debugging, any explicit literal access to symbols in the database should be avoided, because otherwise a memory leak might occur (The garbage collector temporarily sets *DB to NIL and restores its value after collection"
<abu[7]> T
<beneroth> how is that to be understood? I think this is a newer warning?
<beneroth> literal access is any access to external symbols? or just when accessing external symbols by internal address?
<fuxoft> If the two trees are (cadr pico) and (cddr pico), shouldn't (idx (cadr pico)) return the first of two trees as a list?
<abu[7]> It was there since early on
<abu[7]> (idx (cdr pico) ...
<abu[7]> needs a var
<abu[7]> so the other tree cannot be accessed this way
<abu[7]> The are kind of internal idx trees
<abu[7]> The key handling is also special
<abu[7]> treating the names numerically iirc
<fuxoft> This seems to work: (setq coms (cddr pico)) (idx 'coms)
<abu[7]> beneroth, if you have (if (; '{A7} 'foo) ...
<beneroth> I guess because access to this tree is happening in the reader, so in LLVM picoscript, not on lisp-level
<abu[7]> T
<abu[7]> in @src/sym.l
<beneroth> abu[7], this is kinda my use case, (; *DB foo)
<abu[7]> Ah, this is Ok
<abu[7]> (; {1} foo) is not
<abu[7]> *DB is the only safe way
<beneroth> so using *DB or using another variable pointing to another external symbol, e.g. (val A) -> {345} because (setq A (db ...)), would be ok?
<beneroth> but direct access to {345} or {1} is a risk?
<fuxoft> Oh, so analyzing pico is not the best way to understand idx trees... :)
<beneroth> fuxoft, T
<abu[7]> Not access, but literal use
<beneroth> fuxoft, idx is a bit tricky. my recommendation: 1) keep in mind that (idx) expects a 'var, and 2) check out (lup) function
<beneroth> abu[7], what about (extern) to fetch an external symbol?
<abu[7]> OK too
<beneroth> I sometimes use (name) for an identifier
<beneroth> when there is no Key or it's feasible for other reasons
<beneroth> abu[7], ok, so just no hardcoded literal external symbols
<abu[7]> (de foo () (xxx `(get *DB abc) ... is a problem
<beneroth> and if absolutely necessary (I cannot think of any good reason), then hardcode it e.g. as (; (extern "354) foo) to prevent the memory leak?
<abu[7]> OK too
<beneroth> ok I see
<beneroth> and I understand the issue
<abu[7]> gc does not care
<beneroth> external symbols might get new internal address during gc run
<beneroth> thx
<abu[7]> Yes, but this is not the problem
<abu[7]> if a symbol is in the code, all others reachable from it won't be collected
<abu[7]> even if not in use
<beneroth> ah, like properties of the external symbol materialized in the literal instance?
<abu[7]> materialized -> referred
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<abu[7]> {1} refers to *all* syms
<abu[7]> *DB is handled specially by gc
<abu[7]> It first cuts it off
<abu[7]> then collects
<abu[7]> and then connects back
<abu[7]> So all symbol reachable from local parameters and bindings are kept
<abu[7]> but not *all*
<abu[7]> Worst would be (de foo () ... {1} ...
<abu[7]> or (set
<abu[7]> q
<beneroth> yeah
<beneroth> got it
<abu[7]> *Global '{1})
<beneroth> thanks!
<abu[7]> :)
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