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<YasonBenDavid> Greetings!
<abu[7]> Hi!
<YasonBenDavid> I would love to use picolisp for my current web app project, bu tI am needing to make use of cookies to store some app data.  I have not found any information on cookies on the picolisp tutorials or documentation on the web.  Is there a sraightforward way to put the set-cookie line in a HTML header and use returned cookie data on the server-side
<YasonBenDavid> with picolisp?
<abu[7]> Yes
<abu[7]> the 'cookie' function iirc
<YasonBenDavid> Oh, I did searches for that and couldn't find anything!  Would you mind sending a link?
<abu[7]> It is not further documented I'm afraid
<abu[7]> Just call (cookie "Some text")
<abu[7]> The cookies are then in the global *Cookies
<abu[7]> in an assoc list
<beneroth> see @lib/http.l
<YasonBenDavid> Thank you!  That will get me started!!
<abu[7]> I searched for an example, the only public one I found is in the wiki sources
<abu[7]> in wiki/gui.l
<abu[7]> Cookies are used there to keep the searched string
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