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<geri> silly little function
<abu[7]> Hi geri!
<abu[7]> Nice :)
<abu[7]> Instead of (setq @ (eval Form)) you could write (and (eval Form))
<abu[7]> Though it is slightly different. 'and' sets '@' only if the value is non-NIL.
<geri> explicit setq sounds like a better idea in this case
<geri> clojure has those threading macros that let you write stuff in pipeline style, this is kinda like that but picolispy
<geri> basically as-> with implicit variable name
<geri> (it's hilarious how easy it was to do)
<abu[7]> (from the (now dead) PicoLisREPL twitter)
<geri> thats pretty cool too
<geri> also it seems i got at least 3 people sold on trying picolisp out lol
<geri> contributing o7
<abu[7]> Great!! :)
<geri> (|> (1 2 3) cadr ((N) (* N N)) inc) # -> 5
<geri> (as@ (1 2 3) (cadr @) (* @ @) (inc @)) # -> 5
<geri> it's somewhat similar all things considered
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