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<user47> Hello togehter
<abu[7]> Hi user47
<user47> Since the last update of PilBox i have a problem with it and wanted to ask if its known. When i open PilBox it asks me for location permissions (it didnt do that before, i always press "no") and within 10 to 60 secs the app crashes.
<abu[7]> Hmm, there are some restrictions due to requirements for Android 14
<abu[7]> I use on Android 11 and 14 currently
<abu[7]> Which version do you have?
<user47> Its Android 9
<abu[7]> I see
<abu[7]> Strange that it crashes
<abu[7]> What if you grant the permission?
<user47> Ill try
<user47> Hmm, still crashes in the same way
<abu[7]> It must be the entry in ChangeLog 24.7.3 "Startup permission checks"
<abu[7]> Do you see a message about which exception?
<user47> No, im thrown back to the androids app launcher. Android then says "PilBox crashed repeadetly".
<abu[7]> Not sure. Perhaps the permission check must be disabled for Android < 11
<abu[7]> Do you have access to the sources?
<user47> I have downloaded PilBox.tgz
<abu[7]> Good
<abu[7]> Can you edit assets/run/App.l ?
<abu[7]> Line 471
<user47> yes
<abu[7]> ok
<abu[7]> Please remove the 4 lines (and (permit "android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION") ...
<user47> ok, they are gone
<abu[7]> Then share this file via zip:
<abu[7]> zip -r assets/run/App.l
<abu[7]> termux-share
<user47> ok
<abu[7]> Does it start now?
<user47> i need a sec, never used termux-share ;D
<abu[7]> No hurry
<abu[7]> If it works, I put an sdk version check into that place
<user47> im confused, as far as i understand i have to put App.l into the disrectory of the PilBox installation. What does termux-share do in this situation?
<abu[7]> Oh, sorry! My mistake!
<abu[7]> Please do cd assets/run
<user47> ok
<abu[7]> Then 'zib App.l'
<abu[7]> I told you the wrong path
<user47> ive zipped it
<abu[7]> App.l must be expanded by PilBox in the home dir
<abu[7]> Sp now share it as bove
<abu[7]> above
<abu[7]> PilPox should start immediately
<user47> start upon entering "termux-share"?
<abu[7]> Oh, one more mistake!
<abu[7]> Wait
<abu[7]> I'm stupid
<abu[7]> The last line is needed
<abu[7]> (startForeground ..
<abu[7]> So the 'and', 2 lines, and a closing paren must be removed
<abu[7]> Grr, sorry! :)
<user47> ok, i try, no problem
<abu[7]> I dit it here, works for 14
<abu[7]> Let me paste
<abu[7]> You can use this one
<abu[7]> Basically I added a line ~(as (>= (format (sys "SDK_INT")) 31)
<abu[7]> So it worked here
<user47> Ive removed the lines but termux-share doesnt do anything, am i missing something?
<abu[7]> It should ask which App to share with, so you can select PilBok
<abu[7]> (as I said above, *not* all 4 lines shoud be removed. Best take the file
<user47> interesting, it does not say anything in my case, the terminal just blocks until i press ctrl+c. I take a look at termux permissions
<abu[7]> Good
<abu[7]> I don't remember if termux needs permissions to share a Zip
<abu[7]> It *does* need one to insall an APK, but this is not the case here
<user47> ive tried termux-open, that does give me the option to open the file with an app of my choosing
<abu[7]> Not sure
<abu[7]> Never tried termux-open
<user47> Apparently termux-share does not work on my device for some reason, strange
<abu[7]> Indeed
<abu[7]> I *hate* that permissions get more restrictive with every Android release :(
<user47> Can i edit App.l the in PilBox.apk on my pc and reinstall PilBox or will that result in errors because of checksum or certificate stuff that android does
<abu[7]> Will not work. Apps must be signed.
<abu[7]> Try to share the Zip file with Android file manager then
<user47> Ok, i try
<abu[7]> Did you take care of *not* deleting all L lines as I wrote above?
<abu[7]> The (startForeground ..) *is* needed
<user47> Yeah i readded that line
<abu[7]> Perfect :)
<user47> The file manager doesnt seem to have such a feature but i can tell PilBox to copy from the shared directory, that all can access if they have storage permissions, before it crashes. I just need to give PilBox those permssions through the REPL
<abu[7]> How can you tell that PilBox if it crashes already at startup?
<user47> It takes up to 50 secs after startup until it crashes
<abu[7]> *If* it starts, then you can also edit App.l in the REPL
<abu[7]> No need to share :y
<abu[7]> :)
<user47> By using vip?
<abu[7]> And: Permissions can be granted also in the Android Settings / Apps
<abu[7]> No, you can press "Edit"
<abu[7]> Enter "App.l" in the TextField
<abu[7]> then "Edit"
<abu[7]> and "Done" to save changes
<user47> oh, i see :)
<abu[7]> Editing App.l here is of course very dangerous
<user47> I managed to edit App.l fast enough before it crashed, i could only remove "(and" and the closing paren before it crashed again but that seems to work. Now android will also show the pilbox symbol in the status bar again and it does not crash anymore.
<abu[7]> Cool
<abu[7]> improvement :)
<abu[7]> So I'll keep that
<abu[7]> release next time
<user47> Thanks for your help :D
<abu[7]> Strange that sharinp does not work
<user47> I tried to update termux, because i thought maybe that will solve the issue with sharing, but in the playstore it says that my device is not compatible with termux
<abu[7]> On PlayStore Termux is no longer supported
<abu[7]> You better install from F-Droid
<abu[7]> All those restrictions by Google!
<abu[7]> I really hate it
<user47> Apparently i installed it a few years ago as an apk file
<abu[7]> But as far as older versions of Termux are concerned, sharing always worked
<abu[7]> Direct APK install?
<abu[7]> I think F-Droid is best
<user47> Yeah
<abu[7]> I don't use PlayStore any more
<abu[7]> I use Aurora store for Apps not in F-Droid
<abu[7]> I did not even register my Phone at Google
<user47> Its better that way ;)
<abu[7]> ☺
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