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<geri> hey
<geri> im wondering what's better - multiple wrapper scripts with conditional logic in them or a single script that generates all wrappers with conditions depending on how the environment was set up at the time of execution...
<geri> so if i have a script that uses termux-open when in termux or firefox when on pc
<geri> option 1 is having the check in the wrapper
<geri> option 2 is having another script generate a very simple function that just exec's either termux-open or firefox depending on what the environment is like
<geri> second one's probably quite a bit faster cause a. no conditional logic at runtime and b. _browser can just be a symlink to firefox instead of a wrapper
<abu[7]> Hard to answer in such a general way
<geri> ill probably write a wrapping script in pil
<geri> even if i wont use it :D
<geri> also my emacs mode for pil is almost good
<geri> (almost)
<abu[7]> 👍
<abu[7]> Do you handle symbol debug info and namespaces?
<geri> completion is one thing i dont handle too well yet haha
<geri> prioritized getting an alternative of vip's ^E working
<geri> rn completion is limited to each of pil builtins
<geri> was thinking of using (all) to set up completion
<abu[7]> But
<abu[7]> oops
<geri> what's up?
<abu[7]> Nothing :)
<geri> any progress w/ the swipeboard?
<abu[7]> Nothing new, stable now
<abu[7]> I use it all the time
<geri> have you tried
<geri> just curious
<abu[7]> "It appears that TypeRacer is taking too long to load on your computer." ☺
<geri> :(
<abu[7]> What is it?
<geri> typing speed testing thingie
<geri> you just type random texts as quickly as you can
<abu[7]> ok
<geri> have you tried double thumb typing on the phone?
<abu[7]> never
<geri> ie one is responsible for one side and another one for the other side
<geri> might be faster
<geri> ik speed isnt everything, but sometimes typing faster is nice
<abu[7]> I have no speed problem
<abu[7]> Yeah, in chats it is
<geri> mhm
<geri> when you have a clear idea you want to write down
<abu[7]> Editing and navigating in tmux is fine
<geri> thats good
<abu[7]> I have several ^B combinations on the control field
<abu[7]> 5 to be exact
<abu[7]> 26 ctrl letters
<geri> xd
<geri> thats a lot
<abu[7]> per field we have 32
<geri> technically home row modifiers give me a typing speed cap, otherwise I'll be hitting shift instead of f and stuff like that
<geri> but its so comfortable i dont care
<geri> i honestly feel like there's rarely any need to use the repl directly if you can type into a text file and use ^E or whatever your language provides
<geri> s/language/editor/
<abu[7]> T
<geri> any idea how to look up kanji if i cant write them? xd
<abu[7]> use Penti or Steno ;)
<abu[7]> Moment
<geri> i mean, i could write them down if i knew how they're pronounced
<abu[7]> This is indeed part of Penti and Steno
<geri> you can draw kanji by hand with em?
<abu[7]> Candidates display upon ctrl-space
<abu[7]> no
<abu[7]> roma ji
<geri> ah, that yeah
<geri> i have that on pc
<abu[7]> yeah
<geri> and phone but its rather slow
<geri> to switch keyboards
<abu[7]> T
<geri> being able to eval stuff in real time is really comfy
<geri> check it out
pablo_escoberg has joined #picolisp
<abu[7]> Looks good at a first glance 👍
<abu[7]> Except for the "env" habit of course
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