fbytez: i have touched every platform i could imagine
The original meaning of "LLVM" was "low level virtual machine", and that is what I needed
tankf33der, indeed, very portable
I loved the idea of the SSA architecture, being a virtual CPU with an infinite number of registers
"Static Single Assignment"
very pure
LLVM-IR is horrible though. Never saw such an ugly and verbose syntax
But it is not necessary to program in it directly, no reason to care about it
So in summary, I think the decision to use llvm was the best implementation choice for PicoLisp so far
@src/lib/llvm.l makes all that compiler frontend stuff obsolete. We need only the target-specific backend to translate BC files to assembly and then binary
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abu[7], I don't know much about it but have you ever checked out QBE? https://c9x.me/compile/
I did not know it. Looks interesting, and is also SSA-based.
Qbe is small, right, less maintained. And every language it uses must use modified version or use workarounds against bug(s). Hare or myrrdin as example. Small number of platform backends. So there are only two choices llvm and qbe.
llvm won.
QBE seems to have a slightly friendlier syntax (ref. to what I said above about llvm-ir)
Only three platforms, 64 bit only too
arm, x64, riscv
status of last unknown
yeah ;(
tankf33der, Could you expand on “And every language it uses must use modified version or use workarounds against bug(s).”
I was on irc server for a long of myrddin language when they every time discussed qbe bugs and issues.
Qbe is not perfect.
picolisp is perfect :)
This is a line from installation of hare language -
QBE (the latest version on the git master branch, not the latest versioned released)
They fixing qbe.
If you do not like llvm use asm or c versions.
of picolisp.
The C and Asm versions are outdated though
But they live in time.
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I am currently trying to get PicoLisp to run on FreeBSD 14. Unfortunately I get a lot of error messages. Do any of you have any ideas? https://termbin.com/q05m
taleon: hi, it works on FreeBSD 14, all tests passed.
it compiles out of box, why you modify Makefile ? :/