For some reason, after forking, if I close stdin — `(close 0)` — the child doesn't function correcting despite not using stdin for anything in the child's code.
Is there a `task` running on it or something?
That is, I call `(close 0)` in the child; not the parent.
Yes, this is well possible
stdin might be implicit
Where does the child wait in? 'wait', 'key' etc.?
i.e. if the child falls through to the REPL, it calls 'key' (readline) on stdin
Also, I think the error handler checks whether stdin is a tty
Right. I might be falling through somewhere instead of exiting.
and drops into an error repl if so, otherwise exits immediately
Is there any kind of function that basically just yields and just lets the tasks run?
yes, 'wait'
Normally apps are started with -wait at the end of the command line
Without it, the child drops into a REPL
which is desired during debugging
I start apps in debug mode as
$ pil xxx.l -main -go +
and on the production server as
$ pil xxx.l -main -go -wait
Yep, that was it, thanks. `(wait)` with no arguments isn't documented, by the way.
Well, only indirectly: "When cnt is non-NIL"
So NIL waits infinitely
Yeah, I can see how it's implied but it's definitely not clear to me as currently documented.
Agreed. But most example applications document the -wait invocation
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