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<taleon> Wow, Penti is not easy I just realized. Especially not on a small smartphone display. It will probably take some time and practice before you can use Penti in everyday scenarios. But I like the concept and it's kind of fun to try something completely new. I don't like typing on smartphones with my big hands. There is assisted typing, such as Google's gboard, but that's a disaster in terms of data privacy.
<abu[7]> Great!
<abu[7]> I think the screen should be at least 6 inch for Penti to be usable
<taleon> With my 6.1" display, I'm right at the limit. :-)
<abu[7]> yes, a little bigger is better
<abu[7]> I'm on a Fairphone 5 here with 6.49 inch
<taleon> It feels a bit like playing the ukulele instead of the guitar. ;-)
<abu[7]> haha, indeed
<taleon> The only thing missing now is the loudspeaker output. :-)
<abu[7]> I've sent a screenshot by Matrix
<abu[7]> to show the finger positions I use
<taleon> It looks very cool anyway.
<taleon> My shakuhachi also has 5 holes. It occurred to me today whether it could also be used as an input method. :-)
<abu[7]> Can you really play shakuhachi?
<abu[7]> It is hard to get any tone out of it
<taleon> What I haven't figured out yet, how can I cancel the input to be able to click up somewhere else?
<abu[7]> You can type reset
<taleon> I don't play really well. Only for meditative purposes and to find peace.
<taleon> ah thanks
<abu[7]> the easiest is #.#.#
<abu[7]> ui
<abu[7]> Funny, the comments are wrong ;)
<abu[7]> It is loaded as the symbols are silently evaluated
<abu[7]> Is this meant as a question? Or is it just a report?
<abu[7]> (I have no reddit account)
<tankf33der> maybe report.
<abu[7]> Nice (though there are some minor issues)
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<abu[7]> bjorkintosh: A few days ago you asked what's up with all that discrete event simulation
<abu[7]> If you like, you can try a non-trivial example, a Model Railroad Simulation:
<abu[7]> I'm planning to write up some docs, but did not find the time yet
<tankf33der> uh. insane.
<abu[7]> :)
<abu[7]> : (sum '((N) (* N N N)) (2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
<abu[7]> -> 2024
<abu[7]> 😎
<tankf33der> :)
<beneroth> abu[7], is there a way to specify to which IP/interface (port) should bind? I think there isn't, is there?
<beneroth> like, for servers with multiple network interfaces and multiple IPs. or to bind specifically only to localhost.
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<anddam> abu[7]: wow I did not know that
<anddam> oh wait
<anddam> 2024, not 2048
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<anddam> now at least makes sense, I couldn't grasp where the other factors went
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<abu[7]> beneroth: You are right, 'port' assunes a single interface
<abu[7]> I think aw- asked that some time ago too
<beneroth> another optional argument to specify the IP would be nice I think
<abu[7]> anddam, you expeced 2048?
<abu[7]> beneroth, yes
<abu[7]> Or some mechanism to select the interface first
<abu[7]> I forgot the API for this network stuff
<beneroth> yeah it's involved
<abu[7]> Now that 'port' is written in Lisp it is easier than with the ASM version
<beneroth> yes I agree. I just looked at the source
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<anddam> abu[7]: no, I did not expected 2048, hence my initial surprise to what I thought was a clever numerical trick
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