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<abu[7]> aw-, I take a look at it, thanks!
<abu[7]> (though yesteday's problem seems to have been more a corrupted file)
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<abu[7]> Cool, VLC is even available at F-Droid!
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<taleon> Yes, I've been away from the Google Playstore and on F-Droid for years and have replaced all Google tools with alternative and sometimes better tools.
<abu[7]> Very good
<beneroth> VLC is great
<beneroth> principled people behind it, too
<aw-> indeed
<aw-> hi beneroth, happy new year!
<fbytez> I think I may be experiencing the same type of problem still...
<fbytez> Can `(eof)` "steal" a byte that a following `(rd 1)` would otherwise receive?
<abu[7]> With pre-loaded functions instead of loading in chld?
<fbytez> Yeah
<abu[7]> So I was wrong with my buffer theory
<abu[7]> Yes, (eof) may pre-fetch a char if called immediately at the beginnning of 'in'
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<abu[7]> (eof) is not intended for low-level read with 'rd'
<abu[7]> (char), (line), (read) all do a single-char look-ahead
<abu[7]> (echo) too
<abu[7]> Also (skip), (eol), (from), (till)
<abu[7]> But (rd) is a completely different mechanism
<abu[7]> You must check (rd) for NIL
<fbytez> Right. The issue may have only been that then.
<fbytez> I had setup a task that called (eof) before later (rd).
<abu[7]> I should have noticed when reading your code but I did not think of that
<fbytez> I'd have to look at that code again, but I'm talking about different code that I wrote today.
<fbytez> Yesterday's code only used `(rd)` for input; no `(eof)` or other "readers")
<abu[7]> Ah, ok
<beneroth> fbytez, check out (poll)
<abu[7]> Perhaps not needed here, as fbytez said it is in a task
<fbytez> Thanks, beneroth, but I think I can do without, as abu[7] said.
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<beneroth> ah right, I overlooked that bit :)
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