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<razzy> Hello, does file names in httpGate start new instances?
<razzy> I mean new processes?
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<abu[7]> Hi razzy! You mean in the config file for httpGate?
<razzy> abu[7]: yes, I want to redirect few subdomains to different applications. I am confused where to set it up in "names" httpGate-config-file. is there different config file?
<abu[7]> The config files does not really have file names, but commands
<abu[7]> I see, you mean app 0 https://domain/foo/bar
<razzy> I searched irc log
<abu[7]> So if the port is zero
<razzy> abu, so every app will have 2 lines in config?
<abu[7]> then you can give an URL to redirect to
<abu[7]> No, just one line
<razzy> and foo/bar is destination of app?
<abu[7]> Yes, destination of redirect
<abu[7]> to "domain"
<razzy> i will try, thx
<razzy> httpgate still needs either port to redirect to, or commant to run
<abu[7]> Not the port to redirect to
<abu[7]> Normal is a non-zero port and a comand to start on this machine
<abu[7]> Else, if port is zero, the "command" is actually an URL to redirect to
<abu[7]> eg the line "razzy 0"
<abu[7]> then https://myServer/razzy will go to Google
<razzy> I am still confused. can I have redirect to ~/wwwapp and redirect to ~/taskapp on same machine? I see no way it could work. I can try different combinations
<abu[7]> On the *same* machine you need NO redirect
<razzy> i see one error in my thinking
<abu[7]> ok, httpGate runs on ?
<razzy> yes
<razzy> abu it is example
<abu[7]> yes
<abu[7]> so name1 and name2 and foo are lines in the config
<razzy> I see
<abu[7]> will connect to the port on that line, or starts the process if not running
<razzy> abu , now I understand :) thank you
<abu[7]> ☺
<razzy> abu[7]: I see clearly now. :)
<razzy> abu[7]: thank you for pointing on error in my thinking.
<abu[7]> Welcome! :)
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<pablo_escoberg> Is there a way to tell if an entity is a new or existing record?  Or if an existing record has unsaved changes?  I can write a wrapper for `commit` to clear flags, which are set in the `T` method, but I hope I can avoid that.
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<abu[7]> An entity exists if you find it via an index
<abu[7]> If it is deleted, it is not findable via an index, but might be still in the DB if the garbage collector has not run yet
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<abu[7]> Then you normally don't know it. It is not findable after all ;)
<pablo_escoberg> Right, but if I use `request` is there a way to tell if it found something or created something?
<abu[7]> But *if* you know it, you can test it with (ext? X)
<abu[7]> Ah, I see
<abu[7]> No, you have to do the same as request manually
<pablo_escoberg> so if I want something I know is a new record, I should use `new` instead?
<abu[7]> 'request' tests with 'db' first
<abu[7]> Yes
<pablo_escoberg> perfect.  TY
<abu[7]> 'request' is just a convenience
<pablo_escoberg> ok, makes sense.  It is indeed convenient :).
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