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<pablo_escoberg> I'm having some trouble understanding how "new" works.  Why does this happen:
<pablo_escoberg> entities! This
<pablo_escoberg> -> +User
<pablo_escoberg> entities! (type (new (This)))
<pablo_escoberg> -> NIL
<pablo_escoberg> entities! (type (new '(+User)))
<pablo_escoberg> -> (+User)
<pablo_escoberg> and, of course, how do I create an object of a class from within a method of that class?
<abu[7]> (new (This)) is fatal!
<abu[7]> 'This' is not a function
<abu[7]> (new '(+User)) is good
<abu[7]> But if +User is expected to be an external symbol, you need e.g. (new T '(+User))
<abu[7]> or (new! '(+User)) which takes care of the file etc.
<pablo_escoberg> Hmmmm...  so how do I get to '(+User) from `This` which is `+User`?
<abu[7]> (new <num> (type This))
<pablo_escoberg> ah!
<pablo_escoberg> TY
<abu[7]> you need to find the db file though
<abu[7]> (new 3 (type This))
<pablo_escoberg> well, I'm just using one file for this, so I think (new T (type this)) right?
<pablo_escoberg> or just (new 1 (type this)) ?
<abu[7]> yeah, perfect
<abu[7]> Just for the records, getting the file is a bit tricky
<pablo_escoberg> so 1 is better than T here?
<abu[7]> (new (db: +User) '(+User))
<abu[7]> will be
<pablo_escoberg> awesome
<abu[7]> (new (meta (type This) 'Dbf 1) (type This) ...
<abu[7]> So 'new!' is a lot easier ;)
<pablo_escoberg> yeah, but I want to validate before saving
<abu[7]> Better validate before *calling*
<pablo_escoberg> hmmmm....   I'll look into that.  Maybe use the class methods for validation rather than object methods.
<abu[7]> Good idea
<pablo_escoberg> Right now, I'm creating self-validating objects
<pablo_escoberg> but that may not be the right way to go.
<beneroth> hey pablo_escoberg
<abu[7]> Not sure what is the best way. Just play around
<pablo_escoberg> yup, will do.
<abu[7]> Hi beneroth!
<pablo_escoberg> hey beneroth
<beneroth> smells like over-complicating things, but try it out :)
<pablo_escoberg> could well be.  There's something elegant about it, but using class methods may be more practical.
<beneroth> what's practical about class methods? the grouping in thematic classes? or that you can overwrite the behavior with subclasses or prefix classes?
<beneroth> I mean: what do you find practical about class methods?
<abu[7]> There is one drawback if you call 'new' without committing and then 'rollback': There is one symbol created in the DB which will re-used only with 'dbck'
<pablo_escoberg> well, in this case it's about class methods vs object methods.  I realize the two are almost equivalent, but the devil is in the details.  Right now, I am building self-validating objects and running into issues.  I may be able to overcome them without making a mess, but if I end up making a mess, I'll fall back to class methods.
<pablo_escoberg> Hmmmm.... I'll play around with creating the validating object as an internal symbol, and if valid, externing it.
<beneroth> that sounds better, separating the different phases
<abu[7]> yep
<pablo_escoberg> great.  Guess I'm on the right track.
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