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<pablo_escoberg> Hi all.  Is there any way to refer to a relation's value from within a method of the relation? There doesn't seem to be any reference in `This` to the parent entity (just the parent class, which is not what I need).
<abu[7]> Hi pablo_escoberg
<abu[7]> There is Obj and there is Var
<abu[7]> so you can easily access the value
<abu[7]> (get Obj Var)
<abu[7]> (dm rel> (Obj Old New Hook)
<pablo_escoberg> but how do I access Obj and Var?
<pablo_escoberg> they both evaluate to NIL in the object method
<abu[7]> Can't be, the whole operation is based on them
<abu[7]> (pp 'rel> '+Key)
<abu[7]> (vi 'rel> '+Key)
<abu[7]> You know that the relations are objects completely different from the entities
<pablo_escoberg> yes, but I'm wondering if there is a way to refer to the parent entity from a method of the relation.
<abu[7]> There is no "parent"
<abu[7]> One relation object manages *all* entities for that relation
<pablo_escoberg> Ah, ok.  So the only way to get the value associated with the relation in a particular entity is through the entity itself, and methods of various relations have no reference to the entity.
<abu[7]> Exactly
<pablo_escoberg> ok, cool.  TY
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