Instead of insert and for, perhaps 'seek' and 'append is easier?
(let C ...) is not needed if you do (for (C . L) (val Q) ...
Hmm, no, the 'let' is needed.
yeah, tricky.
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Hi cess11
seems pentikeyboard broke with a recent update, it renders constantly
android 10
Oh! I released a fix cause it did not work on Android 13
it opens when switching applications and sometimes stops opening when entering a text field
I tested on Android 11
Is it the release from 24th of December?
I made another release today, because the back button did not close it
i think so, been like this for a couple of days or so
I *hate* Android
It did not work on Android 13, pehaps a bug in Android 13
also hate it but i'm addicted to termux and penti so no real alternative
(at least the guys on #android-dev said so
Can you wait a few days to see if today's release improves anything?
but then i'll wait for today's update to roll out and see
yeah sure
Thanks for the info!
took a while to realise it was penti itself and not discord or some other crapware that was causing the issues, it's been really, really solid for years
I see
If today's release also fails, I will build a version from the previous sources and make it available separately
thanks, in that case that'd be sweet
Oh, I can see that today's release is already in PlayStore
I installed on my old Android 7 tablet. Works, but behaves strangely. I keeps popping up even if closed with F-Q
sounds similar to the issue i'm having
"renders constantly" in a penetrant way
The only way to get rid of it is F-Q, but at the next focus change it pops up again
Strange. On Android 11 and 13 it works perfectly
yep, that's it. also pops up when i open the camera without disabling screen lock
interestingly the os actually tries to use the input from penti even if there's no text field so it renders a border around some button when i press space