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<brandelune> No picolisp account on Mastodon ? :-)
<abu[m]> Hi brandelune☺/ I'm afraid there isn't any yet.
<abu[m]> And the Twitter one is pretty dead now too
<beneroth> what would be the point of it?
<abu[m]> I do have a Mastodon account since several years, but it also feels quite dead
<abu[m]> beneroth: That's the question indeed
<beneroth> I've found twitter useful to find explanations/links/longer threads by interesting people. but for that I've never found the need for having an account.
<brandelune> I think a lot of people have moved to Mastodon recently. I also think it's a matter of finding the right instance.
<beneroth> maybe we should just go back to newsgroups :P
<brandelune> Hahaha !
<brandelune> usenet
<beneroth> yeah
<abu[m]> I kind of feel uneasy with Twitter too
<beneroth> but still, whats the point of a picolisp twitter/mastodon/jitter account?
<abu[m]> Also, we may have too many channels already
<beneroth> informing about new releases? what else?
<beneroth> yeah
<brandelune> I used to be a moderator for soc.pol.marxism... 😂
<brandelune> I think the code snippets were really nice.
<abu[m]> Mailing List, Wiki, #PicoLispREPL, Matrix
<beneroth> it would need to be maintained
<beneroth> manned
<beneroth> or womanned
<abu[m]> ☺
<brandelune> humanned
<beneroth> no, dogs are also okay
<abu[m]> 👍
<brandelune> Yes, I'm thinking about the #picolisprepl thing
<beneroth> you can be whatever you want on the internet. it's just curious, how so many people chose to be stupid...
<brandelune> but that's from before they're on the net.
<abu[m]> Let's at least wait with Mastodon a little
<abu[m]> brandelune: You think selection of server is critical? It is federated anyway.
<abu[m]> I'm on
<brandelune> Not critical. But a place with similarly minded people is nicer.
<brandelune> I had created an account on (I think) a while back but I never was interested. It's when the instance was created a few days ago that I recreated an account there and I'm enjoying it very much.
<beneroth> just don't bring in non-similarly-minded people here, ok? :P
<beneroth> the extra steps required to find this place (which are not hard I'd think) acts as an excellent filter
<abu[m]> True, but I don't see a big danger. Pil is not of enough interest
<brandelune> I'll be creating an account for OmegaT on
<aw-> brandelune: hi
<brandelune> Hi !!!
<aw-> is it cold in your area?
<aw-> 28deg here.. it seems it's still summer
<abu[m]> We have +1 °C atm
<brandelune> It was pretty warm today. But evenings are getting colder and you need the stove to work late... 😭
<aw-> ok not so bad, abu[m] almost freezing ;)
<abu[m]> Yep :)
<brandelune> aw- Where are you based ?
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<beneroth> +6°C here
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