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<aw-> abu[m]: hi
<aw-> in your mailing list message
<aw-> "Redefined
<aw-> symbols can have their original definition reloaded."
<aw-> how can I do this?
<abu[m]> Hi aw-! You can reload the file where this was originally defined
<abu[m]> If you redefined 'locale', you (load "@lib/misc.l")
<aw-> ohh i see
<abu[m]> But anyway I think this idea of trying to "undo" a load is not meaningful
<abu[m]> There may be side effects one forgets about
<aw-> right
<aw-> well i can only think of namespaces which would somewhat cleanly let you do that
<beneroth_> aw-, T
<abu[m]> Yes, this is the best
<beneroth_> hi aw-, abu[m] :)
<aw-> hey beneroth_
<abu[m]> Hi beneroth btw :)
<beneroth_> aw-, if you don't use redefine but if you actually change the definition of the symbol, you can of course keep the original definition around
<beneroth_> e.g. (let (real_quit quit quit '((Msg Any) ....) ...)
<abu[m]> right
<aw-> haha yeah, just make a copy
<beneroth_> I use this kind of trickery sometimes. but can give very hard to find nasty bugs if you don't do it absolute correctly :D
<abu[m]> But nobody will do that, gets messy ☺
<beneroth_> (de somefunc ("Str")
<beneroth_> (let (peek '(() (car "Str"))
<beneroth_> real_char char
<beneroth_> skip '(() (while (and "Str" (< (car "Str") "!"))
<beneroth_> char '((E) (if E (real_char E) (++ "Str")))
<beneroth_> (++ "Str") ) ) )
<beneroth_> ... ) )
<beneroth_> best use I've found so far
<beneroth_> but yes, strong warnings...
<beneroth_> wrapper to use a function which was made to parse something from input channel to use a string instead
<abu[m]> Makes sense
<beneroth_> no beatings? good ^^'
<abu[m]> Perhaps the new 'input' can be used?
<beneroth_> yes, probably
<beneroth_> redefining builtins can give you heisenbugs, as it also affects the repl and debug environment
<beneroth_> only thing worse is changing the definition of a function during evaluation of it
<abu[m]> yep
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<Nistur> mornin'
<beneroth> Morning Nistur :)
<beneroth> how are things?
<beneroth> you're typing with your selfmade penti-keyboard now?
<Nistur> unfortunately not :P For one thing, that's in the wrong country :P
<beneroth> abu[m], btw. it's snowing at my place since today morning.
<beneroth> Nistur, ah you moved? to europe?
<Nistur> most of my stuff is still back in UK, and this week I'm in Germany, mostly in order to install a kitchen into the apartment we're renting
<beneroth> be welcome brexit-refugee :P
<abu[m]> Hi Nistur!
<Nistur> o/
<abu[m]> beneroth: Here it is snowing too. Half between rain and snow
<beneroth> I just moved recently (same town), it's an hazzle
<beneroth> good luck Nistur >.<
<Nistur> oh most definitely, and I haven't moved most of the stuff yet, just done two car loads, one last month, one now, while I've been sorting the apartment
<beneroth> abu[m], yeah here it's still snowing actually. ground is warm though.
<Nistur> some time in January, we plan to rent a van and take everything... _that_ will be the fun trip
<Nistur> have to deal with customs, who will probably just look at the carefully prepared manifest and go "yep, fine, continue" but in theory might ask to search everything to make sure I've accurately recorded precisely how many screws I'm taking
<beneroth> don't forget to get biometric passports for all, will soon be required to enter EU from third countries I beleive
<beneroth> in anyway, horrible hazzle. good luck with all ^^'
<Nistur> thanks :)
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<beneroth> remote code execution
<beneroth> I banned this alone for being based on Electron and NPM. Just too insecure foundation for anything.
<Nistur> I mean, I mostly use emacs... I feel remote code execution might be considered a feature there :D
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<aw-> hi Nistur
<aw-> beneroth: i highly doubt anyone in #PicoLisp is using VSCode.. seriously lol
<Nistur> hullo aw- :)
<beneroth> aw-, yeah I would hope so too
<Nistur> a few of my colleagues use VSCode when they're forced to use Linux :P
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<aw-> sorry, I've never used it and have no idea other than "microsoft" and "nodejs"
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