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<beneroth> abu[m], can I use tolr/ in a generator clause?
<abu[m]> In select? Well, tolr is rather a filter predicate. How would you use it?
<beneroth> so then tolr can be used even when there is no +Sn index on the property, correct?
<beneroth> used for filter predicate
<beneroth> or are the indexed values used in filter predicate?
<abu[m]> No, tolr is a pure text operation
<beneroth> so your answers are: 1. yes 2. no
<abu[m]> using sub?, fold and ext:Snx
<beneroth> I see
<abu[m]> yes, 1 and 2 :)
<beneroth> different question: is there an equivalent to (fully) in pilog=
<beneroth> ?
<abu[m]> I mean, as you say
<beneroth> or is it's an implicit fully when I use (member...) (tolr) (tolr)) ?
<abu[m]> yes, searching manually
<abu[m]> 'lst' would also do
<beneroth> I have a list of search terms. all of them should get soundex matched to one of multiple properties, not necessarily all to the same property.
<abu[m]> ok, I see. Makes sense
<abu[m]> Is it not (or ((tolr ...)) ((tolr ...)) ... ?
<abu[m]> i.e. a fixed number of properties
<beneroth> yes itis
<beneroth> so (member ...) (or ((tolr .. prop-1)) ((tolr .. prop-2)))
<beneroth> ?
<beneroth> as both (member) and the (or) are top level, all members must match to fullfill the piloq query (the implicit AND), correct?
<abu[m]> Yes, but why the 'member'?
<abu[m]> ah, ok
<abu[m]> (member @X @L) (or
<beneroth> @L being the list of search terms
<abu[m]> I forgot why
<abu[m]> I use (lst @X @L) ..
<beneroth> all of them must have a match, like in picolisp 'fully
<beneroth> aah
<abu[m]> yeah
<abu[m]> I think 'lst' has a little less overhead
<abu[m]> is Lisp while member is Pilog
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