corrupted pilDB index trees.. "Tree size mismatch" thrown by @lib/tool.l dbCheck
I had 3 such cases, in each the node counter was one smaller than then actual tree, I "fixed" it by manually increasing the counter so dbCheck was happy
hmm, should not happen
what are possible causes for that?
yeah :D
Haven't seen this for years
I mean.. any ideas for potential causes besides "using put instead of put>" ?
Must be the E/R model
but still, the tree does not depend much on the model
just store + fetch
Not easy to get this mismatch ;)
Are there any strange keys?
so that fetch does not return what store stored?
Hmm, "Bidi"
mist... I'm not sure about the relation anymore
I see no problem if Vip is used I think, as it does not handle Bidi :)
yeah I guess picolisp parser is doing nothing with unicode bidi characters, does it?
Anyway there is very little code compiled in Pil
compilation doesn't matter here
the point is, making source code look doing X when it actuall does Y
It is a way of hiding evil code, right?
So the ediTor / viewer must handle Bidi
obfuscation. like in source code it looks like being commented out and compiler/parser sees its not as commented out
the issue is if the parser/compiler handles it differently than the editor I guess
so you, with vip no problem :P
How about Vim or Emacs?
dunno, I haven't read all the bidi stuff yet.
Would be interesting to produce a test case
I wonder if a plain $ cat src.l will hide it
i.e. which parts can handle it
"Like most non-text rendering systems, compilers and interpreters do not typically process formatting control characters,including Bidi overrides, prior to parsing source code. "
this is the core point, I guess
well as you said, you also don't handle it in vip
The core point is that the code is not visible
not what the compiler does
it appears as a different code than what the compiler does. I expect it still visible
s/does/does see
Code inspection does not show it
you see "dab" in your editor, looks good. parser sees "bad" because that is in bytes there, but marked with bidi characters to change ordering when doing formatted rendering
so I guess vip would still display "bad" while more "advanced" editors which implemented bidi formatting rules might show "dab" instead
I think the danger is that you can hide potions of code by overwriting it backwards
Just clear the code with a dummy comment
(this is bad code) # Good comment <back>clear withe good looking stuff</back>
So it is not the compiler or reader
it is the human code reviewer
I think it's the other way round.. human reviewer sees the code with the effect of bidi, compiler without. your example is human reviewer not applying bidi and compiler applying it.
interesting to see what Rust etc. changed in their compilers because of this.. it sounds like they did a change on their tooling
I think no compiler does apply bidi
yep, but code editors do
so do they "fix" code editors or compilers?
yes, so it is the reviewer, not the compiler
you are not wrong. but you forbid the israeli programmer to have a comment in right-to-left-writing :d
What is the problem, the comment can be any direction
to the compiler it is always a comment
In the linear source it is ignored
the compiler does not do anything with it
it is only the reviewer who does not see what it is
So IDEs need to be changed
it's code which is displayed as comment but is in fact not a part of the comment when ignoring bidi, afaik
yes, cause it hides something
if you have a single line comment, then a bidi change-direction-char, then a linebreak, then text -> same line & part of comment for editor, different line & not part of comment for parser
as I say, visualy effect
(this is bad code) # <back>clear withe good looking stuff</back> then print "# Good comment"
A hex dump will reveal it
The parser can't do anything about it
we have to check their fixes to grok it
bbl, will be back in about 30min
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razzy has joined #picolisp
hello to all
Hi razzy!
i do not understand error [../all-doc.html:1] Bad input ')' when reading file by char.
'char' does not give such an error
only 'read'
Probably you are reading the current input stream with 'char' and thus confuse 'read'
hi razzy
usually the error "Band input ')'" means there is a ")" without a matching opening "(" parens when reading S-Expressions
but .html is probably not made up of valid S-Expressions.. so don't use (read), as Regenaxer said :)
I think razzy uses 'char'
so he destroys his current input
Regenaxer: beneroth: i am pretty sure i am reading file by (char) and writing to file by (line)
(char) never gives such an error
only 'read'
so it *must* be your repl
current input stream
razzy, can you post some code?
I am confused by this. how can i debug when error occur?
razzy, perhaps check the tutorial on debugging?
you should still end up in a debug repl if stdin/stdout is a terminal
maybe I have bug in code, which occur only in middle of html file
then add some logging to your code, so you can see the progress
or use (trace)
yes, trace is best to get a first idea where it goes wrong
(trace 'char)
ok working on it
(mapc trace '(char line))
and other functions, whatever may be called
I was hoping to start debugging when error occur (I know by that point might be late)
that is the default behaviour of picolisp.. that you get a debug repl when an error occurs
so if that is not happening, then your code/execution is preventing it somehow.
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Regenaxer: what do you meanit must be my REPL breaking?
Think how the repl works
especially 'load'
so far, i think, i stumble on magical character and something break
*must* be 'read'
i will post code.
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Regenaxer: i have code here. http://ix.io/3DCs and it break for weird reason
it break even when i launch it as script
L is not initialized when you work destructively with it in (inc 'L)
how does it work if you add L 0 to your initial setq?
I would replace the (use (A C D L) (setq A NIL C 0 D 0) ...) with (let (A NIL C 0 D 0 L 0) ...). or (use (A C D L) (off A) (zero C D L) ...)
ah I meant (push 'L) not (inc 'L) of course...but the critic still applies
beneroth: no change, as expected
you can run it too, it uses local pil21 doc/app.html
i will go for walk, than i find exact char it break on.
razzy, sorry, we have guests
Regenaxer: enjoy your company, no problem.
why i cannot use (str "('!')") and can use (str "(!)")
libry has joined #picolisp
Hello all! Does anyone have any advice on how to point Picolisp to a non-default library folder? I'm using Emacs and trying to start a repl but it's not pointing to the correct library folder (/usr/lib64 on RHEL-based distros).
hey libry
Gotcha, I will do that!
Is that from the Tarball installation method?
it tells about setting /usr/share/picolisp
yeah, but when installed via OS repo it should be there too
I installed it from a third party RPM but I'll unpack the tarball and check that out.
Excellent, I will try the local install from tarball method instead then.
Thanks for the help :)
I always start with a relative path
e.g ../../pil21/pil +
Regenaxer: maybe this one, is this ok? i cannot use (str "('!')") and can use (str "(!)").
yes, ' is a quote
a read macro in pil
so 'a' is not meaningful
Why do you use 'str'? It is not necessary usually
'str' is the pil reader
str was issue. I do not know how to strip "" from long string without str
I am still scared of prin
Why do you want to "strip" the quotes? A string in PicoLisp (i.e. a transient symbol) does not have any quotes, they are just meta-characters for I/O
So you should never need to "strip" them
fair point, i will think about it
the point is: Where did you get a string with double quotes get from?
I think this is wrong somehow
Regenaxer: file app.html
parsing HTML?
Regenaxer: yop, parsing html. and come to think of it, i do not have double " just weird "''"
you can do:
: (in "doc/app.html" (from "\"") (till "\"" T))
-> "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"
You cannot parse non-Lisp fiies with 'read'
Use char, line, from, till etc
reason for striping " was so i can have clean save to file
i know i cannot use read
ok, yes
Regenaxer: question: if I (in) file by (char) than print with (prin), do i always get same file regadless of content?
yes, but only if the file is UTF-8
(in "file" (while (char) (prin @] ?
same as (in "file" (echo)) btw
ok, i want to be sure, thank you
Good night I wish to all! :]
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