Seems to me that german state-run "digitalization projects" are even worse than Switzerlands.. here we have corruption and never finished/usable projects. but the creation of new bad pseudo-standards is mostly not happening (they try, everyone ignores it)
did you change bin/ssl in pil21? I guess there were updates?
yes, I think it changed meanwhile
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Nothing critical though
ok, thanks for the info
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at least switzerland and germany still looks like democracies
I am testing debugger, i think i can have contribution on PilCon.
I want to debug picolisp core system that is written in picolisp. i have learned that it is not possible now. I want next best thing, i do not know what it is.
Is there good reason to not have possibility to compile picolisp and have self-hosting core?
PicoLisp is not compilable to have the interpreter more powerful and faster
Regenaxer: could you explain more powerfull?
The language can express things not doable if the code is going to re compiled. For examqle FEXPRs, and dynamically bound symbols are not efficient
In Pil, each built-in function interprets its arguments individually
it decides for each arg what to do
A compiler cannot know this
I want self-hosted interpretter|core and "normally" interpretted picolisp. i can avoid using powerfull features in compilig core|interpretter.
What is a "self-hosted" interpreter?
Regenaxer: if I compile C compiler in older C compiler, it is self-hosted
So is PicoLisp. It compiles itself.
Regenaxer: can i run ./pil ./src/* + and debug what picolisp interpretter is doing?
so pil loads lib/llvm.l and yhen loads main.l
omg, I want to debug it sooo much
that is, main.l *is* executed
so in other words, I can interpret picolisp interpretter and in this interpretted interpretter i could interprett my code. yes? and I could debug my code and underlaying picolisp interpretter. uff :]
so that they generate low-level code instead of maniplating cell structures
The low-level code is the interpreter
that interpreter interprets cell structures
now i feel problems, redefining gives me head ache
It redefines by building new symbols in the 'llvm' namespace
(symbols 'llvm 'pico)
For example, 'de' is redefined:
(local) de
(pico~de de Prg ...
i.e. the pico 'de' is used to define 'de' in llvm namespace
So in the followin, executing (de _foo will compile the code for _foi
I think i cannot have my-new-pil with my-new-code interpretted in old-pil. it would be convenient to just compile my-new-pil into machine code if i like it
Why is it not possible?
I am looking at Makefile and i do not know how :D. maybe PilCon?
yes, let's talk about it
Thank you.
I'm looking forward to next PilCon
me too :]
for record i also think that speed argument is not obvious.
speed for an interpreter - compiled code is of course faster
speed of the interpretter would depend on programmer, self hosted interpretters tends to be bigger and slower, because it is easier to write them. in my unexperienced opinion :]
I would agree with these statements
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