You know what would be cool with let? If I could define "else" statement. If any of my arguments is NIL then ... run the else statement. It would reduce a lot of additional lines.
v_m_v, (use Var (if (setq Var (...)) (then...) (else...) (else...))
v_m_v, or if you have many cases, consider doing a explicit FSM with (state)
can you give me an example ?
v_m_v, would such a 'let?' really be such useful?
I think the syntax would be quirky
hmm for example I am getting request to my API. I am getting all the fieled from request "body". If any of them is NIL then I can return to the user "Missing field" :)
Now you would just do (if (foo) (let X @ ...) ...
v_m_v, we often use (and) as a conditional (prog) which exits on first NIL
Just occurs to me that 'full' should return the list instead of just T
Would be much more useful
I change it
oops, no
non-empty list returns also T
I leave it as it is
better don't break that :)
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How I can return pure json without HTTP/1.1 200 OK ...etc
(out NIL (print you json...))
NIL is stdout. instead of NIL you can give a filename as a symbol, or a number for a previously established file descriptor (so a socket number or a file opened with (open))
"+filename" if you want to append instead of overwrite
v_m_v, 'let' accepts only a single symbol
Did this work?
(if (not (== Token NIL)) is just (if Token
wait ...I have a one mistake ...after last refractoring
No worry :)
afp, bbl
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(let (EventsJson (mapcar could just be (let EventsJson (mapcar
I think the 'or' on top has no meaning
as the first expression is always true, no?
(assuming the 'let?' is replaced with 'let')
'respond' is not right in this place. It generates its own header
https://pastebin.com/3L9KUnfJ that version is working ....almost working. The issue is that I am not getting that json at teh end. I have (out NIL ... but still I am not getting it.
So the (httpHead ..) on top is better moved to the 'if's else part or so
ah! :)
yeah, makes sense
The conses of static values (cons "status" "ok") could be written directly, avoiding runtime conses
(list '("status" . "ok") '("errorMsg") (cons "events" T EventsJson))
hmm, do the (out NIL make sense?
to stdout?
Normallt ht:Out goes back to the client
it was from beneroth ... to replace the (respond
I could not follow the earlier discussion
Normally the response is sent back over the socket which is open to the client
ok so I have asked what I can use instead of (respond which is addind a lot of stuff to my json string
(httpHead ... then (ht:Out
yes, respond is a stand-alone response
makes its own header
It is useful if you send a single string to the client