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<v_m_v> how I can search list of elements like (("elem" . 1) ("elem2" . 2 )) if it would be ((elem . 1 )(elem2 . 2 )) then I could use (get ...but with string it is not working
<Regenaxer> yes, you can use 'assoc'
<Regenaxer> (cdr (assoc "elem2" Lst))
<Regenaxer> btw, v_m_v, you talked about '->' the other day
<Regenaxer> The name is used for another function in pil, but we could define '+>' as a first try as:
<v_m_v> It looks awesome :D
<v_m_v> Are there any restrinctions in the PiL function names?
<Regenaxer> Some chars need to be escaped with \
<Regenaxer> eg parens
<Regenaxer> or white space
<Regenaxer> (+> (1 2 3 4) cdr cdr car ((N) (* N N)) inc)
<Regenaxer> -> 10
<v_m_v> I really like it :D
<v_m_v> It is like a Forth notation which for me was always more readable
<Regenaxer> :)
<v_m_v> Thank You !!
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<v_m_v> I still can not get the Json which I want ... I've tried the other libs ...but with the same results. So {"events": [{"name": "event1"}, {"name": "event2"}]} is not possible somehow
<Regenaxer> Yeah, this should be fixed
<Regenaxer> I think it was in the last pil64
<Regenaxer> Can you try the version in ?
<Regenaxer> This is the latest pil64
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<Regenaxer> If this json works, we should merge it into the current pil21
<Regenaxer> I think it uset a 'T' in the s-expr to indicate an array
<v_m_v> it was packJson right ?
<Regenaxer> I think so
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<v_m_v> Regenaxer: I am getting port -- Undefined
<Regenaxer> 'port' is in @lib/net.l
<Regenaxer> is automatically loaded by the pil startup
<Regenaxer> in pil64 'port' was in asm in the base system
<v_m_v> It was jsonPack for changing () to string ?
<Regenaxer> I meant 'printJson', the line ((=T (car Item))
<Regenaxer> 'packJson' did not exist yet, should be done in an analog way
<Regenaxer> Perhaps I can investigate in the evening
<v_m_v> (test ((createdAt . 123) (origin (name . "Test1")) (content . "321") (id . 1))) -> [test, [createdAt, ], [origin, [name, ]], [content, ], [id, ]]
<v_m_v> :(
<Regenaxer> Sorry, I't deep in other stuff
<Regenaxer> can't look at this atm :(
<aw-> v_m_v: {"events": [{"name": "event1"}, {"name": "event2"}]} is not valid JSON
<aw-> Unmatched brackets
<aw-> oh wait sorry i didnt test it correctly
<aw-> one sec
<v_m_v> yes it is
<aw-> yes it's correct
<aw-> -> (("events" T (("name" . "event1")) (("name" . "event2"))))
<v_m_v> To be honest ... I dont know and understand what kind of structure I need to create in PiL to get such Jso
<aw-> v_m_v:
<v_m_v> why "events" T ?
<aw-> v_m_v: picolisp doesn't have a concept of "arrays", while JSON does, the T is to indicate the following list is an Array
<v_m_v> I see. Now if I have my list of events how I can packt them into ("event T ( here ) ) ?
<Regenaxer> Thanks aw-!
<v_m_v> (cons "event" T (list event1 event2)) ?
<aw-> to differentiate an Array from Object
<aw-> v_m_v: no, you need a list of lists
<aw-> so maybe this: (list (cons "event" T (list "one" "two")))
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<v_m_v> YES YES YES !!! it is working :D
<Regenaxer> Cool!
<Regenaxer> So I should re-insert the 'T' feature into current version? I cannot look now, but will investigate later
<aw-> Regenaxer: if you remove the T then you can't identify an Array from Object
<aw-> i couldn't find a better/simpler alternative
<aw-> so I copied your idea into my library
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<Regenaxer> I don't remember why I changed this in pil21
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<v_m_v> aw-: How I can add another field on the level of "events" ? I don't get it ..hmmm
<v_m_v> ok, I have it :D
<beneroth> :) gz v_m_v
<v_m_v> I am testing my simple API with wrk tool. PicoLisp is quite impresive when we will check the memory usage and performance. 650 request/s for 400 simultanious connections
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