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Hello :) My eyes hurt after looking at so many pil codes, everything is one color when using vim, and the worst thing is using '('B will make vim think that ( is a string and doesn't show useful brace-matching information, did anyone make a syntax highlighter for pil in vim? I'm currently trying to highlight the functions (filter getd (all)) but
I've never touched vimscript, I wanted to know if anyone else already did this, I couldn't find it in google
I reommend Vip
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Mia made a series of vip articles. Will come out soon I think
I really want to use vip also, but currently I do alooot of refactoring and I'm constantly using visual select :(
I see
buw visual select is slow
compared to vi-style editing
selecting a box of code, delete them, instert into multiple lines the same text at the same time, etc...
I also use alot of macros (I think they're called macros, you press q then letter and do something, it will record it and play it back when you need it)
yes, right
This is all stuff I did not use, so it is not in Vip (yet)
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one question, the code above (which you told me months ago) (filter getd (all)) gets the functions, what other similar filters are there so that I can give them other colors when highlighting
for example 'pat?'
like @A
That would be good too :) basically I want the user to see that this is a thing from the language and not made by the user, so all the symbols in (all) but some of the items I don't understand, like what is A B C E etc.. the first results when you run (all)
(all) has all symbols in the current namespace, so you get also symbols used as variables and other stuff
So also e.g. 'A' may be bound to a function in the moment you run your test
if Vip binds it locally
I'll come back to this when I figure out how to use vimscript :) so far I know getd and pat? .. I'll ask more in the future.. another question, why some functions take other functions quoted and unquoted while some others only take quoted functions?
Pil is all dynamic, everything changes ;)
Functions normally don't care
they evaluate their args
So it is not the function that "takes" a quoted function
It is how you call it
(mapcar (list '(X) '(* X X)) ...
(mapcar '((X) (* X X)) ...
the same
The point is what comes out *after* evaluatien
this is then given to the function
I don't currently remember the one that failed if I didn't give a quoted function .. but this is the other one (mapcar '+ and mapcar + both work
yes, because the interpreter evals in this case until it finds a function
I see
(setq C + B 'C A 'B) (mapcar C ...
so (mapcar + is best
but one thing to be careful is OOP messags
(mapcar 'foo> (list of objects))
This won't work (mapcar foo> (list of objects))
because message passing needs the *symbol*, not just the function
This is a bit unlucky
but can't be avoided
I also get confused and never remember which comes first when using get nth head tail the index or the list, what is a good way to think about it and remember?
Perhaps there is no clear rule
(get List 3)
(nth List 3)
I always forget for 'cut'
(cut 3 Lst)
while coding I keep a small terminal open just to test these small problems
(cut 3 'Lst) better
me too, and the 'doc's
Why didn't you make all of them the same :)
Some are historical from other Lisps
And for some it is necessary
like nth and get take further args
(get Sym 'a 3 'b 7)
So Sym or Lst must be first
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Right :) no problem .. I had a similar situation once when creating a compiler for an esoteric programming language, made a function to subtract two memory locations but didn't know which one should come first and in which one should I put the result back when i finish
yeah, exactly
sub a, b
For example
(rid 'var 'any) vs (del 'any 'var)
They are similar
but 'del' is related to 'delete'
which is ancient Lisp
And if you read in English, you have
"Rid var from any"
"Del any from var"
"Rid var of any"
In English to get rid somethig of something
versus "delete any from the list in var"
That sentence would also require a non English speaker to think in English :)
'rid' is recent
a few months ago
and I was thinking a long time about the arg order
Finally I thought the current way is best
also because 'rid' goes together with 'fiforq
(fifo 'var ['any ..])
Now I'm curious to see what was the final decision in my old project, I'll take a look
good :)
It was subV(from, to) with the explanation of (subtracts from from to and putts the result in to) I think its logical :/
In various assembly langs I saw both orders
My english skills break down when i see (subtract a from b), I always forget it means a-b or b-a :(
I got distracted alot :) back to work, thanks :D
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Regenaxer, rid? whats the difference to 'del besides syntax sugar?
ah multiple occurences
and circ list handling
I see
and, most important, 'rid' is destructive
That's why I said it goes with 'fifo'
I was surprised how hard it is to remove something from a fifo list, i.e. a circular list
Of course no way to do it non-destructively
But even destructively it is a bit tricky
yeah makes sense
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weird. (setq @X 1234) (fill '@X) works in REPL but not in ^e vip
Perhaps @X is bound in Vip
What about @FooBar ?
there is little change, but also does not work
In Vip here:
: (setq @X 1234)
-> 1234
: (fill '@X)
: (nsp 'fill)
-> llvm
: (pico~fill '@X)
-> 1234
This is because I did (vi 'fill)
So first namespace is 'llvm'
In general I think the Vip repl has to be used tith care
Makes sense inside a given application
but perhaps not in general
Because this REPL runs *inside* Vip
It is for extending Vip etc
But for your example, if I do $ vi a
: (setq @X 1234)
-> 1234
: (fill '@X)
-> 1234
So it works here
ok, weirder, clean vi works. after i load my file, it stop working
What exactly is the result?
red G
Red means "control"
Somebody prints ^G
i am tired, will try in morning.
also i am trying (in '(curl urlStart VarA urlRest)) and having bad luck using fill and pack. just cannot put variable into URL.
This sounds rather easy
Just ask here
i want this (fill (quote a c d e @X a)), but without space between e @X A
This is a misunderstanding. There is no space
it is a list
You mean the char <space>, right? ASCII 32
hmm, I am really tired :D
sorry for bothering you
Nono, no bothering
I think you mixed up 'pack' with 'fill' (?)
i had trouble with pack. I was hoping to help myself with fill.
both are useful
fill is only for lists/
'pack' is probably more often used
is there a way to take transient symbol "alfa beta gama" and append it to list (a b c)? result: (a b c alfa beta gama) ?
append or conc
(append (a b c) (list "alfa beta gama"))
i was not expecting this easy :] thank you
i meant simple
ok :)
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