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<kintel> J24k15 Can you share the file? Could be that VBO generation takes time..
<J24k15> it is using my lib but i just put cubes between two cubes
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<J24k15> 5000 in 15  sec  -  10000 in 45 sec  - 15000 1min 16 - 20000 ↦ longer
<J24k15> but it is not that cpu at 90% i had before .. let me check that again
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<J24k15> hm my script is doing the same but with modules and cpu run at 90%
<J24k15> kintel this does the trick https://pastebin.com/6fVCCMqA
<J24k15> preview is fast but render takes long and 90% cpu
<J24k15> oh and now openscad crashed and closed
<kintel> You're pushing some limits :)
<kintel> ..but that's good. We haven't squeezed Manifold to the limit yet
<J24k15> 15000 is now 3min and 20000 4min .. not the 10min i had in my design .. however the print looks awesome
<kintel> The main difference between your two approaches is caching. By splitting the for loop, you can cache the results of the inner loop
<J24k15> thought maybe because children were used
<J24k15> or a chain of childrens children
<kintel> We simply cache based on text
<J24k15> here the print https://imgur.com/a/3elpbYX  .. trying to print some fur example for my students (only about 1500 strings)
<kintel> -> once you instantiate your modules and replace variables with concrete numbers: If that code is the same as some other code, it's free :)
<J24k15> but why does it take 3× the time and 2.5× the CPU load  when using modules
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<kintel> J24k15 Wait, didn't it go faster?
<kintel> I got 55 seconds with modules vs. 4 minutes without
<J24k15> oh that is the new version with that caching improvement?
<J24k15> oh wow that was fast
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<kintel> J24k15 No, just the master branch. on a MacBook M1
<kintel> ..but I didn't fire up the GUI
<J24k15> kintel  i get 3:40 (multi CPU cores) with modules and 2:45 (single CPU core) without  (version 2024.03.28) 15 000 cubes
<J24k15> are there benefits from modern cpu architecture?
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<J24k15> oh maybe that is lazy union
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<J24k15> yeah when putting unions around the loop it takes much longer.
<J24k15> much longer - Ü
<J24k15> there are the 10min
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<J24k68> Kintel .. found a Manifold issue
<J24k68> https://pastebin.com/yLT9YUVY   if  the scale within linear_extrusion is increased to .24 it works
<J24k68> Kintel seems serious i simplified it further ↦ intersection(){linear_extrude(50,scale=+0.2,convexity=5)circle(d=5,$fn=6);cube(250,true);}
<J24k68> union() or difference() is also not working with it
<J24k68> i am down to union(){linear_extrude(scale=+0.2347794)circle($fn=6);cube();}
<J24k68> seems very specific scales hit a float calculation  - a little more or less works union(){linear_extrude(scale=+0.23481)circle($fn=3);cube();}
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<kintel> J24k68 What is the actual issue? It seems to work for me..
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<J24k68> oh WARNING: PolySet -> Manifold conversion failed: NotManifold
<J24k68> Trying to repair and reconstruct mesh..
<J24k68> preview works only render fails
<kintel> Render works for me
<kintel> That's a warning - the repair should work
<J24k68> ah  i have "stop at first warning" which ends in "no top level geometry to render"
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<kintel> oh
<kintel> that should perhaps not be a warning, as it's an internal thing with little user-actionable info
<kintel> This is the ticket we need to solve to fix the root cause of the warning: https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5046
<J24k68>  i expect issues with scale to zero  but strange it happens with a triangle at scale .2
<kintel> the whole stop at first warning needs an overhaul. JordanBrown started on it, but it's a bit tedious to clean up
<kintel> I think two vertices get merged causing a degenerate triangle
<kintel> I'd have to look at the code, but I added your example to the issue so we can look into it
<J24k68> great thanks!
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<J24k68> btw makerworld has the prototype for openSCAD (not public) looks nice
<kintel> for web-customizer using wasm on the front-end?
<J24k68> yes
<J24k68> creates even bambu 3mf (by converting openscad stl)
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<kintel> My hope is that one of these days, one of those companies will become large (but friendly) enough to contribute to OpenSCAD :)
<kintel> (perhaps a bit naively hope)
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<J24k68> i hope that too -Ü
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<guso78k> Does anybody have the link for the algorithm, which can nicely fill such 2D bezier curves ?
<guso78k> itrs important, that all 3 corners are equal in importance
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<gbruno> [github] kintel closed issue #2167 (CGAL 4.7 assertion errors in tests) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/2167
<gbruno> [github] kintel edited issue #2220 (Two ways to break hull() in 2D preview) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/2220
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<gbruno> [github] kintel edited issue #2398 (render fails with polyhedron + cylinder union()) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/2398
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<analoq> i'm looking for a way to create an o-ring groove, but can't really find anything helpful.
<analoq> my thought process was using extruding a cross section along a spline
<peepsalot> analoq: is the groove not circular?
<InPhase> analoq: If circular, rotate_extrude. If non-circular in an unusually curvy shape, I recommend this approach: https://github.com/rcolyer/closepoints
<analoq> peepsalot: not too familiar with oring groove design, reading up on that currently. My initial idea was to do a c shaped circular groove
<InPhase> analoq: Demo: https://bpa.st/AOMA
<peepsalot> the cross section of the groove is often just rectangular. what is most important is the amount of squeeze. https://www.marcorubber.com/o-ring-groove-design-considerations.htm
<peepsalot> what i meant was whether the overall groove path was circular
<InPhase> peepsalot: Interesting link.
<peepsalot> it was like the first result for o-ring squeeze (couldnt' remember if that was the exact terminology)
<analoq> peepsalot: yeah i figured that out while looking for a solution too :). No the path won't be circular
<InPhase> analoq: A demo that follows those guidelines from the link. https://bpa.st/F46Q
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<analoq> that's a nice looking profile
<InPhase> Is your actual groove composed of circular and straight stretches, or an artistic curvy type path?
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<analoq> InPhase: the former
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<guso78> Anybody Has an actual Idea for algorithm about my 2d bezier curve
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<InPhase> guso78: That's bezier? Looks like a stretched circle.
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<InPhase> So let me start by pointing out it's trivial as a hull between scale deformed spheres at the corners. :)
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<guso78> ITS actual a simple bezier with 3 Control Points
<InPhase> Can you show the control points? I have like 70% of a idea.
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<InPhase> I think you should be able to make a bezier corner coordinate map with beziers of beziers.
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<guso78> Take 3 of 4 Points of a square aß Control Points and linear Extrude it to Form the Edges
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<guso78> Issue with Corner IS that the bezier should bei symmmetrical around the 3 axes, so No hierarchy possible
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<InPhase> True symmetry is quite challenging. Even spheres are hard to make truly 3D symmetric.
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<InPhase> guso78: peepsalot made some nice 3-axis oxtahedral symmetric spheres once by interpolating and pushing the points out to the radius.
<InPhase> guso78: But you lack the starting symmetries that let this work.
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<guso78> Sounds Like construction of geodesoc spheres ...??
<peepsalot> yeah
<guso78> In Phase ITS.not necessarily a sphere or Radius.its Just needs to bei round and balanced
<InPhase> Heading into a meeting for a little bit. I'll ponder it more after.
<peepsalot> you could do something like a sweep between each three pairs of edges, and intersect between them all. this will likely leave a Y-shaped crease
<guso78> Peeps I cant afford a Gap for Manifold reasons but your proposal Sounds promising. Would you have time to create a Sketch ?
<peepsalot> maybe later this evening. would help to have your source to start from
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<fred_> hello
<J24k68> hi!
<othx> Welcome J24k68!
<fred_> anybody around here?
<InPhase> fred_: Yes, we exist. :)
<fred_> aah good to know :-)
* J24k68 muffles in the dark
<fred_> not much action here..
<J24k68> depends on the topic
<fred_> yeah I thought just to listen first to see whats happening here
<InPhase> Reasonable choice, but think more on the 24-hour to 48-hour lurking scale for that. :)
<InPhase> Conversations will have time gaps between them on a channel of this size scale.
<InPhase> guso78: So I feel like it might be doable special-casing for corners bezier modeled out of rectangles.
<InPhase> guso78: I'm thinking about how one would arrange that at the moment.
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<InPhase> guso78: https://bpa.st/VZAA
<InPhase> guso78: Triangulation is left as an exercise for the reader? :)
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<InPhase> guso78: There's a slight axial bias left, but it's very hard to not have one when you're left with the problem of needing to quantize points into a 2D map...
<InPhase> guso78: But it's not very spatially strong. Certainly less biased than with a sphere.
<InPhase> guso78: It at least has the highly desireable property of the points aligning exactly with the bezier results of all 3 axes.
<InPhase> guso78: Start the triangles for the facet generation leaning in the forward direction as you iterate through the lists, to address the declining number of points as the rows rise in z.
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<InPhase> And then you might have to special case the top. The top can go from 2 to 1, or 3 to 1, but there's only ever one row, the top one, that has 1 point on it.
<InPhase> N is always forced upward to the nearest odd number if even.
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<JordanBrown1> guso78, InPhase: I would think in terms of BOSL2's Bézier patches.
<JordanBrown1> Though for some reason they dropped support for triangular patches. I don't know why. Maybe they just expect you to use rectangular patches with one side degenerate.
<JordanBrown1> Back to pretending to work.
<InPhase> I heavily preference small libraries (making and using) for OpenSCAD work, but am fond of looking at examples in other libraries if they're clear in isolation.
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