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pca006132: iirc, it just throws out the largest items first.
i was thinking it would be neat to have a cache metric of: (memory size) / (time to compute). so the first things to remove would be the ones that are easiest to replace by re-computing. but would require that all entries have their the time tracked before putting into cache
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and its not immediately clear how to measure time to compute. e.g. for geometries that are result of nested operations on other cached objects, would you include accumulate the compute time of those objects in the output?
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on the other hand, the speedups from manifold are so great, that the whole reason for the cache's existence is nearly moot. it was useful for glacially slow CGAL Nef ops, but seems like it may be just getting in the way for manifold ops
I guess that gets even more interesting for compound objects of is the compounding more expensive or the raw generation, it may be more cost effective to throw away the result or the final op and keep precursors
would be an interesting thing to play with and generate metrics, but equally modern machines do have so much disk space a user could just hand over 1GB and never think about it again
* peepsalot
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