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<ndnihil> erm
<ndnihil> so like, bug maybe?
<ndnihil> if (style == 0) { ts=360; }
<ndnihil> I would expect that to make the variable 'ts' available later
<ndnihil> but it's unset
<peeps[win]> nope, block scoped
<ndnihil> teepee: fix it!
<ndnihil> or make kintel do it
<teepee> what peeps[win] said :P
<ndnihil> it's like a roach motel
<ndnihil> vars to in, but they never come out
<ndnihil> s/to/go/
<teepee> solid models, solid code, no leaking anywhere!
<ndnihil> kinda puts a damper on writing clever code
<ndnihil> duplication of entire blocks just to change the direction of something
<peeps[win]> its not a damper, your code is just not clever enough
* ndnihil clutches his pearls
<ndnihil> there's something I haven't been accused of in multiple decades
<peeps[win]> you have to embrace pure functional programming and stop trying to shoehorn imperative patterns
<teepee> or create a perl5 plugin :)
<linext> InPhase, for Amazon they have many rules
<linext> i'm charging $16 (free shipping), and the rough parts cost $8
<linext> so Amazon would likely eat up $4-5
<linext> i'd have to raise the price to something like $20+ which might work,
<linext> aside from that, my friend said he's buying a 3d printer to print some pots for plants so he can give them to his co-workers
<linext> the plants he has can have the buds cut off and they will grow a new plant
<linext> so if anyone wants to make a OpenSCAD for generating plant pots up to 8x8x8 inches
<linext> i told my friend to send me drawings of his ideas
<peeps[win]> there are countless "vase" designs that work well as plant pots
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<ndnihil> !calc 8*25.4
<gbruno> ndnihil: 8*25.4 = 203.2
<ndnihil> weak
<SD210> anybody know of a online render that is faster than 3dcustomzier.net ?
<linext> lol
<ndnihil> !calc 350/25.4
<gbruno> ndnihil: 350/25.4 = 13.779528
<linext> sd210, there's one in the links for 3dcustomizer.net scroll to the bottom
<ndnihil> my voron will do them 13.779528 inches
<ndnihil> (approximately)
<ndnihil> my rostock is about 280mm dia usable
<linext> yea me too
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<linext> i still have a rostock v1
<ndnihil> seeme?
<ndnihil> mine is one of the early v1's
<linext> mine came from indiegogo seemecnc
<linext> acrylic
<ndnihil> gene was still writing the manual
<linext> yea
<ndnihil> ah, mine is the melamine
<ndnihil> he's the one who made me get it
<linext> i haven't used mine in a few years
<linext> i use a prusa i3 clone mostely
<ndnihil> mine is still the workhorse, but it's dying a slow death
<othx> peeps[win] linked to "Scripted vases by hakalan" on thingiverse => 1 IRC mentions
<ndnihil> pretty sure the psu is about to eat itself
<linext> are you still using a computer PSU?
<ndnihil> or the rambo is about to catch fire
<ndnihil> yeah
<ndnihil> and not even an upgraded one
<ndnihil> the one that came with it
<linext> yea 400watt
<ndnihil> it wheezes every time I turn it on
<peeps[win]> oops, i gues that's a python script, not openscad based. i printed some of them so long ago I forgot
<linext> chuck it and put in a 50amp 12v power supply
<ndnihil> begs me to put it out of its misery
<SD210> im bout to break into my uni super computer lab just to render some stl's lmao
<linext> my heated bed and extruder heats up in like 2 minutes with 50a 12v
<linext> sd210: if you install openscad with "manifold" it'll be fast
<ndnihil> it dying is what made me start building this voron
<SD210> thx
<ndnihil> decided that things had progressed enough in the ~10 years I've been abusing that thing that it might be time to upgrade
<linext> yea, input shaping will be nice. a friend just got his prusa i3 mk4 w/ mmu at my suggestion
<linext> he decided to get the kit and is said assembly is no joke
<ndnihil> I have plans for the rostock once I'm done with this voron
<ndnihil> going to take the hotend off and stick my little tritium capsule on it, put it in a dark room, and do long exposure photography from multiple angles while it draws things in mid air
<dTal> ooh la la
<ndnihil> then photogrammatry that into a model
<ndnihil> and slice it up for this little holocube thing
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<ndnihil> s/photogrammatry/photogrammetry/
<dTal> what's the point of doing all that? you can just generate the model directly from the gcode you'd use to drive the tritium capsule in the first place
<ndnihil> can't type for shit tonight
<dTal> you're gonna program trajectories and then pass them through a photogrammetry pipeline because... ?
<ndnihil> because I can?
<dTal> but why
<ndnihil> why wouldn't I?
<ndnihil> I've already fed this thing models
<dTal> because it's a time consuming and fiddly way to accomplish nothing
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<dTal> I mean I'm all for crazy artistic pipelines, you've got some cool pieces there
<dTal> but that specific pipeline just takes some data and gives it the runaround without altering it artistically in any way
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<ndnihil> nonsense
<dTal> if you waved the tritium capsule by hand, that would make sense
<linext> i glued a vial of tritium to the back of my flashlight to find it in the dark
<ndnihil> that's the same capsule tethered to a ceiling fan
<linext> back when aliexpress still sold tritium vials
<dTal> if you left the long exposures as photos, that would make sense
<ndnihil> you get shading and gradients in the long exposure than you wont get just rendering it
<ndnihil> s/than/that/
<dTal> yeah but... you're gonna lose all that between the photogrammetry and the 3d printer
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<ndnihil> I'm not going to print it
<ndnihil> it's for holographic display
<dTal> ooh!?
<dTal> what sort
<ndnihil> tiny little holocube that sits on my desk
<dTal> how does a "holocube" work?
<ndnihil> projects images onto a half reflective prism
<dTal> What makes it 3d?
<ndnihil> like that, but about 1" cubed
<ndnihil> and the image/model rotates
<ndnihil> or can be manipulated
<dTal> is it just a mirror
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<dTal> Are you aware of neural radiance fields? It seems to be like for your application you want to keep the data in the image domain, and not try and triangulate anything
<ndnihil> well, doing the model is just the first part of it
<ndnihil> next step is controlling it with my brain
<ndnihil> to make the drawings
<dTal> what you might consider doing is putting the camera on the hotend instead of the tritium, and fixing the tritium somewhere. Then you can repeat the pattern as many times as you want but with translational offsets. This simulates many long exposures from different positions
<ndnihil> already have my eeg assembled and working
<ndnihil> nah, I'm fine doing it the way I had planned
<dTal> how is that?
<ndnihil> exactly as I described
<dTal> you said you'd do a bunch of long exposures from different angles
<ndnihil> multiple cameras
<dTal> how many?
<ndnihil> well, I have 6 identical camera modules
<ndnihil> so maybe all of them
<dTal> You need more like 50-100 for photogrammetry / NeRF
<ndnihil> wide'ish angle, so it'll give decent coverage
<ndnihil> dude, I've been doing dumb shit like this for decades
<ndnihil> I really don't need much in the way of advice
<ndnihil> I appreciate the interest though
<dTal> I am very interested
<dTal> this sort of thing is my PhD topic :)
<dTal> you are my target audience
<ndnihil> sub-mm accurate 3d model of one of my fossils
<dTal> I have a lightfield scanner which is a creality cr-10s with the hotend swapped for a camera, and I plan to build a lightfield camera with 100 or so camera modules triggered simultaneously
<dTal> and hopefully, maybe, a holographic printer to make hard copies
<ndnihil> eh, lightfield is novel, and kinda neat, but shit for practical
<ndnihil> ask lutron or lytron or whatever they called themselves
<dTal> lytro
<ndnihil> yeah them
<dTal> don't be shitting on lightfields
<dTal> it's gonna change things, radically
<ndnihil> it's an insanely interesting technology
<dTal> *especially* VR
<dTal> lytro were hacks
<ndnihil> and "they" have been saying it'll radically change things for what, 10-15 years now?
<dTal> no
<dTal> things are different now
<ndnihil> beyond just the sensors getting better?
<dTal> The sensors aren't much better, what's better is the software, and yeah that changes everything
<ndnihil> if applied properly, sure
<dTal> we also have consumer VR, that's a big deal
<ndnihil> but whoever is going to give you funding is going to be the same entity that chokes your new tech to the point nobody wants to use it
<dTal> with a little application, you can now port a physical environment into VR, photorealistically
<dTal> there's demos you can try right now
<dTal> whatever you've seen in VR so far, it's a completely different ball game
<ndnihil> demos that wont make you get a headache and/or get nauseous?
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<ndnihil> one you cross that uncanny valley, your brain starts to get -real- irritated with inconsistencies
<dTal> you can't render scenes like that in real time using traditional techniques, but this is basically just a retrieval / interpolation task
<ndnihil> s/one/once/
<dTal> there was a paper at siggraph only a few weeks ago, anisotropic gaussian splatting - basically, lightfield rendering in real time, off data structures than can be trained using gradient descent from a few dozen photos
<dTal> this is *huge*
<ndnihil> sounds cool for sure
<ndnihil> but the older I get, the less excited I get about "sounds cool" before there's something practical I can play with
<dTal> it's practical now
<dTal> for instance you wanna do photogrammetry
<dTal> I know you didn't ask for advice but to me this sounds like a wayyy better fit for radiance fields (learning some visual scene representation through gradient descent)
<dTal> because you don't want a model, in the end, you want a bunch of rendered images from different angles - right?
<dTal> you're not 3d printing, you're displaying on a screen
<dTal> and there's all sorts of nifty optical effects you'd quite like to keep
<ndnihil> I'm entertaining myself with a novelty
<ndnihil> I dont really have any sort of grand plan for it
<ndnihil> just things to keep me engaged
<ndnihil> mental fidget spinner
<dTal> if you want to take a few dozen photos of a scene, and generate arbitrary new viewpoints, this is state of the art
<dTal> well I'd love to see what you come up with, anyway
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<ndnihil> I'm sure I'll end up spamming "hey look what I did!" links to anyone who'll listen
<dTal> long exposure lightfields though, damn. Didn't think of that
<ndnihil> sounds like fun
<ndnihil> if you have the hardware
<ndnihil> and the software
<dTal> planning on using ov5640 modules
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<dTal> been thinking about things like burst mode, video etc
<ndnihil> write the software for the leenooks
<ndnihil> and I'll play
<dTal> trouble is they'll be driven by esp32 modules with 4mb of ram, which doesn't exactly let you store a lot of frames
<ndnihil> yeah they're fun, but a bit limited for things
<ndnihil> this little holocube is esp32 driven
<dTal> in fact it doesn't even let you store a single raw frame from an ov5640
<dTal> fortunately the module can output jpeg
<InPhase> ndnihil: ts = style == 0 ? 360 : 0;
<dTal> you might be interested in Looking Glass
<ndnihil> InPhase: will give that a go
<ndnihil> dTal: for that I have the castar/tilt5
<ndnihil> still waiting on linux sdk for that...
<InPhase> linext: You also have to factor in how much labor you save by not having to ship out individual units yourself. It's not purely about the profit per unit, but about profit per time spent if you can scale up to larger volume.
<dTal> well, the looking glass works very nicely on linux :) even has a neat blender plugin
<ndnihil> fucking blender...
<dTal> but this is cool
<ndnihil> it used to be such a great modeling program
<InPhase> linext: Given the number of such knives out there, you surely aren't saturating the potential market. You're just not really reaching it. :)
<ndnihil> then it turned into the worlds most annoying animated movie studio
<dTal> the marketing copy on that tilt5 thing is obnoxious
<dTal> "What AR u here to do?"
<dTal> one thing the looking glass gets very right is software
<ndnihil> eh, jeri isn't doing all of it
<ndnihil> she's legit though
<dTal> a product like that lives or dies by the SDK
<ndnihil> backed the first iteration "castar" project way back
<ndnihil> it's unity fed, they just haven't released the linux bits last I checked
<ndnihil> if it had been anyone but jeri I probably wouldn't have backed the project
<ndnihil> but girl welds race cars and has her own SEM
<ndnihil> and designs FPGAs
<dTal> not really a fan of the unity thing
<dTal> it's gotta be more like VR
<dTal> I know that's a tall hill to climb
<dTal> but imagine if all VR games had to be unity
<dTal> oh okay there's a "native C SDK" whatever that it
<linext> yea, i have to dedicate a day to getting listed on Amazon
<ndnihil> oh neat
<ndnihil> they have linux stuff now
<ndnihil> might have to dust this thing off
<gbruno> [github] FatherGeoffHorton opened issue #4730 (qt5-devel obsolete?) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4730
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<rue_mohr> is anyone working on path_extrude ?
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<J23k13> i have a module doing it, and BOSL or DotCAD has it too
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<J23k13> ndnihil are you planning to print and use your "eccentric cycloidal drive" ? because it will probably have some wear as the profile is not calculated as a cycloide
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<J23k13> should look something  like this https://imgur.com/vWAGF45
<J23k13> ndnihil but  you could use cycloids on both sides to have real rolling  like this https://imgur.com/a/rhVffIk
<J23k13> (i have shortened the cycloid a little to prevent sharp edges)
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<ndnihil> J23k13: it's just entertainment, but yeah I'll probably print a couple at some point
<ndnihil> and yeah, I did a herringbone version of it last night
<ndnihil> but in doing so I fucked up the numbers somewhere so I need to fix the math
<J23k13> your script has the ratio hardcoded .. so if you change it, it will not change at the bottom
<ndnihil> the script I pasted no longer exists, and it was rewritten
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<othx> ndnihil linked to YouTube video "Herringbone Eccentric Cycloidal Gear in OpenSCAD" => 1 IRC mentions
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<gbruno> [github] t-paul closed issue #4731 (Dark Mode not working on Windows 11) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4731
<gbruno> [github] Zoestra opened issue #4731 (Dark Mode not working on Windows 11) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4731
<teepee> hum, there's some serious timeline issues here ;-)
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<Scopeuk> Or you have a tardis
* ndnihil shrugs
<ndnihil> bot spits `em as it gets `em
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