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<peepsalot> is the whole test suite supposed to only work on experimental builds now? it seems to be expecting fast-csg feature. i thought there used to be a check in there to only enable experimental tests if the build is experimental
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<teepee> peepsalot: not sure, sounds like a good idea, but i'm not sure if that existed or how complicated that is
<teepee> I only remember that there's a feature to flag tests as experimental so only those get the --enable flags set
<teepee> so maybe it's not that complicated to disable based on the experimental setting
<gbruno> [github] t-paul closed pull request #4358 (Add script to assist updating old PRs) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/4358
<gbruno> [github] t-paul pushed 1 additions 1 modifications 1 removals (Merge pull request #4358 from thehans/merge_fixes Add script to assist updating old PRs.) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/57b42557de8f42112d003a978f95725a351866ad
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<teepee> slightly shaky matrix bridge today :)
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<linext> what's the purpose of 'title' : 'source' when generating input parameters from openscad code?
<linext> is there a case when 'title' will be something besides 'source'?
<teepee> I've not seen that, might have been intended for giving a project name or so
<teepee> lol, can't find that in the code, it's well hideen :)
<J1A8449> 3mf stores a model name
<teepee> ah, wait, looking at the wrong place
<teepee> yes, I think the idea was along that line, even STL has a field for that where it's currently always saying "OpenSCAD model"
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<teepee> at some point that file could evolve to some sort of project file
<teepee> right, maybe looking at the latest code instead of an old branch would help ;-)
<teepee> linext: your input file called source.scad?
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<gbruno> [github] t-paul pushed 1 modifications (Update news ticker. This reverts commit 68c8524de179245e4f34074ea9c0d4d059d743b5.) https://github.com/openscad/openscad.github.com/commit/86ea1e5ff3e1350c3e1a12b96761a44e2f4abfea
<linext> yes it is
<linext> so it's the filename of the .scad file
<teepee> currently yes, there's no actual project logic yet
<linext> great, is there anything besides parameters and source the are in the input parameters file?
<teepee> or a way for naming it, but intention is "the name / title of that project"
<linext> parameters and title i mean
<teepee> it should also have a version number = 1 but that's currently ignored
<teepee> it's intended for later if we need to extend and have a version 2
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<linext> it would be nice if there was a way to tell how far the model has loaded
<linext> simple models are really fast, but complex models are more than 2 times slower than openscad applciation
<teepee> uh, cool
<teepee> yes, there's an issue with the internal interval logic that is problematic in wasm
<teepee> I think ochafik has some initial fixes for that but it's still not 100% same as the native logic
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<linext> anyone available to make the customizer demos on this page faster and with better documentation: http://3dcustomizer.net/generate-html-from-params/
<linext> (buttons on the bottom of the page)
<teepee> those mostly sound like difficult designs, like they are not the fastest in native mode too
<teepee> hmm, that snowman is really slow indeed
<teepee> not sure if that has performance impact
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<peeps[zen]> snowman would be faster to use $fs and $fa, since eyes and nose are much smaller than body segments
<ndnihil> $fn = 4096; or go home
<teepee> ah, electical heating, good stuff :)
<ndnihil> my gpus could certainly handle it, but...
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<gbruno> [github] iansan5653 opened issue #4359 (Preview is blank (black) with no errors) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4359
<peeps[zen]> teepee: the test suite issue is concerning to me because we can't test before a release as it is
<peeps[zen]> 12% tests passed, 1276 tests failed out of 1451
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<teepee> agreed, that was probably on my list to at least get some sort of release build with tests running
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<teepee> meaning not all platforms, but maybe just latest linux
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<teepee> hmm, I'm totally confused about the pricing model of that codespaces stuff
<teepee> oh, "St. Petersburg, FL" - you really have a copy of all towns in US :)
<peeps[zen]> oh yeah, we got Paris, Texas and a bunch of others too.
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<gbruno> [github] iansan5653 edited issue #4359 (Preview is blank (black) with no errors) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4359
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