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<linext_> so i found a work-around
<linext_> HTTP GET from an HTML form with the code as a URL variable
<linext_> javascript grabs the code from the URL variable once the page is completely loaded
<linext_> clicking the form reloads the page, and OpenSCAD
<linext_> a little messier than i would like
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<linext_> it's a little weird
<linext_> configurator.js and configurator.worker.js exist in the project but need to be overwritten with the version created by 'make'
<linext_> it's a bit counter-intuitive why the version of those files that don't work exist in the example
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<linext_> what's the trick to get text() working on web assembly?
<linext_> how are fonts added?
<InPhase> linext_: I could imagine a --multiscad mode where it reads "53 myoutput.stl" and then reads the next 53 lines as the input scad file, and then waits for another stdin line with line count and output file. As long as the output format is specified on the command line, this is probably a somewhat straightforward command line option for someone to add.
<InPhase> I'm not sure if that would solve your problems or those of any other people. Generally the launching of OpenSCAD is lightweight compared to the execution.
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<linext_> huh?
<InPhase> Weren't you sitting there 2 hours ago talking about wanting OpenSCAD to not restart between scad file inputs?
<linext_> no, that was yesterday
<linext_> i paste the example code from LetterBlock.scad and it makes the block but not the letter
<InPhase> Oh. I guess there wasn't much chatter today into yesterday. I did not scroll up very far. :)
<InPhase> I've been a bit busy since then.
<linext_> i'm working on the P2P rendering system for customizer SCAD
<linext_> user keeps the page open, and helps render jobs
<linext_> i'm not sure how to get font support working in web assembly
<linext_> i guess i can study this more: https://ochafik.com/openscad/
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