I've put animation in various places in it, and you can drop it into any of the parameters, but it's really best if it isn't in the reference copy.
linext_: You can add this to the top, and then post it anywhere you like per the rights granted. :) https://bpa.st/FR7A
And rip out parts for other variants as desired.
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JordanBrown: Found the invite 32 emails down. :)
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is there a reason why the animate tab is not already filled with like 15 FPS and 30 steps.. would be convenient
Because then it would immediately animate everything?
but you have to start it?
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Well it defaults to on for parity with the behavior in the last release.
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I suppose the new structure does give an opportunity to rethink that.
But if we're going to raise the importance of the play button, then we should really redesign that button. It shows up way too tiny and unreadable for a key button on my screen.
and we have two play buttons
or one play one pause and one play&pause button
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Is there a way to use OpenSCAD as a library (as opposed to as an end-user application)? I want to write a desktop application that can generate an STL based on user's input, that would use OpenSCAD in the background (without requiring the user to have OpenSCAD installed).
Nohus: library not easily, it could run via pipe
Nohus: it has a headless command line interface, that is probably what you want
you can bundle your own openscad with your application
Thanks, that's probably what I need to do. It will probably be a pain to bundle it for Windows, Mac and Linux versions of my app... but we will see.
for linux/mac you can probably hand off to the system package managers. particularly if you application is delivered via packagemanagement
That would be easiest, but could get problematic with different versions of OpenSCAD in different repos.
Would be safest to bundle a known version, unless I want to specifically test on 10 distros...
Still, probably 90% of users would be on Windows.
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potentially although openscad has long release cycles and a very stable user facing interface
as a curiosity what does your app do?
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Nohus: if you just need a compile mode and a very limited interface, essentially just text-in, data-out we can work out something
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teepee: that's pretty much what I was looking for. A way to compile OpenSCAD to a library I can link to in my own application would be perfect, with no user interface parts.
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But even a stripped down binary would be helpful.
To call with the existing CLI interface, but without having the entire GUI included.
Nohus: It wouldn't strip down too much anyway, as the command line runs still require openGL for internal processing without gui mode.
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Nohus: just as side note, bundling would be fine at any rate, compilation will make your application GPL3+ (OpenSCAD itself is GPL2+ but libCGAL overwrites that to GPL3+)
so the code would need to be any compatible license
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Yeah I have no problems making my app GPL
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InPhase: if you want your head to hurt, consider: we have list comprehensions, that allow you to have program segments that generate a list. Should we have object comprehensions that in some way work similarly?
My take is "no", mostly because I can't immediately see how they could work, and because list comprehensions plus Revar's object() function can do the same thing.
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JordanBrown: Under the syntactical proposal from last night (and others, but just to clarify), all object definitions are object comprehensions. *mind-blown*
JordanBrown: Now the question you should have asked maybe, is how do you recursively define an object literal's contents?
object merge function?
dict to object support with dict implementation?
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like concat but for objects? "extend" maybe
i don't like the object function, without a way to define object literal.
Yeah, I don't think an object function is the right approach. I'd rather see natural syntax for it like we've been discussing here.
there's been a sort of unspoken rule that all values can be echoed in such a way that the ouyput could be reinterpreted as a literal. so object function would break that
If you want a function to make an object, you should be able to just write one. Which will work as long as we have object literals, and maybe some way to combine objects into another object.
And in fact I can imagine myself making many object constructor functions.
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the whole kwikius proposal is ill formed and wrong on so many levels it makes my head spin. i don't even know where to start in replying to that
too many competing proposals and discussions at this point for me to keep track
The object-literal syntax doesn't have a way to supply a calculated key, and doesn't (directly) have a way to add on to an object. The object() function is sort of analogous to concat(), in that it merges objects. It has an additional capability of converting a list representation into an object.
I completely agree that it should not be the *only* way to construct an object.
But I think that it's a valuable concept as a way to build an object more dynamically.
the question also is if there's a need for a distinct dictionary data type, or if object can cover all use cases
One could imagine defining the "+" operator on objects to union them, and that would address some of the need. (But note that obj+obj would then behave very differently from vector+vector.)
I don't see any reason for a distinct dictionary type.
actually + is one of those cases where it might not make sense for object, but could be well defined for dictionary
I don't have a problem coming up with a definition of + for object that makes sense. It would be a union, with the last value winning if the same name is mentioned more than once.
But I'm not reall comfortable with extending arithmetic operators much beyond arithmetic, and if obj+obj merges the objects, you might expect vector+vector to concatenate, and it doesn't.
union for geometry but replace for values? I'm not sure I like that
sorry, no, union in more of the set sense.
Not the geometric sense.
replacing geometry would be a strange result
I'm not terribly happy with it either, but if the geometry is a reserved-name component of the object it would make sense.
and reserved names are horrible too ;-)
But sometimes horrible ideas are all you have :-)
You'll notice that in what I've written I've waffled around exactly how you refer to the geometry independent of the object.
x = { a=1; cube(10); };
x.a is 1.
What would you say that would in some sense mean cube(10)?
render(x); :)
teepee: Nooo.
Execution confusion.
I don't like x() at all, because x is not in any sense executable.
that's nothing about execution
x() implies calling and executing x.
x = { a=1; sphere(10); };
teepee: Now $fn matters.
And so on.
teepee: We need to be clear about where and when such things are picked up, which for a literal is at definition time.
yes, and unfortunately that's how openscad works, even though it's a bit annoying
No, I don't think it does.
Let's ask a simpler (and useless) question:
x = { a = echo("a") 1; echo("b"); };
When are the two echoes executed? When does the output appear in the log?
teepee: This is one of the things we differentiated last night between object literals and module literals. Module literals potentially take parameters, and the calculations run at invocation like m() or m(5), picking up $fn there. But object literals evaluate the calculation steps at definition and then are fixed.
So in my echo example, by the time that that assignment is complete, both the "a" and the "b" have been echoed.
(Give or take OpenSCAD's ... interesting ... evaluation semantics, where { echo("b"); a=echo("a") 1; } would still echo a and then b. Just as it does for any other { ... } block.)
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JordanBrown: I'll try to find some evening time this weekend to type out a few more things on that document. I fixed one semicolon before getting exhausted last night. ;)
Then if we get that to a good state, teepee can read that to actually know what we're talking about.