<alyxshang> Do I just add `ocamllsp` to my config?
<alyxshang> ```Lua
<alyxshang> -- Inside the Lazy setup.
<alyxshang> settings = {
<alyxshang> ['rust-analyzer'] = {},
<alyxshang> ['ocamllsp'] = {},
<alyxshang> ['deno'] = {}
<alyxshang> },
<alyxshang> ```
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in general you would call setup of the config to enable it. e.g. `require'lspconfig'.ocamllsp.setup{}`
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sorry for the bad copy/paste
alyxshang: yes, that would work if you are using lazy.nvim to manage plugins. if you are using another plugin manager, it would be as rid.cully notes
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<alyxshang> Hmm let me try that. (Apologies for the late reply.)
<alyxshang> Apparently I need to alias some shell-commands.
<alyxshang> Hm
<alyxshang> Could be worse.
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<gooby_diatonic> You could also just use Emacs
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<amadaluzia> hello folks :)
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