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<alyxshang> I envy you. I always have to get up at some ungodly hour to get to b\*mf\*ck somewhere, where my office is.
<alyxshang> Forgive my uncouth language.
<alyxshang> If I finally get down to building the project I've been thinking about for forever now in OCaml, I'd be surprised if JS don't give me a little call. 😉 That is if the project is used by a large amount of people and pushes out a certain project.
<alyxshang> If I finally get down to building the project I've been thinking about for forever now in OCaml, I'd be surprised if JS don't give me a little call. 😉 That is if the project is used by a large amount of people and pushes out a certain other project. 'nuf said.
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outfits like JS that have a steady stream of people who want to work for them have a tendency to become incapable of active recruiting
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<alyxshang> I'm in my anarchy era of swe.
<alyxshang> Build stuff to change things, simplify existing problems, and give back something to a community that has given me so much.
<alyxshang> Although when I say "given", I mean "gifted".
<gooby_diatonic> The community being OCamlers? They are all compiler engineers so the project better be a compiler tool
I am curious what you mean by "gifted" that is different from "given"
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<yawaramin> be the Jane Street you want to see in the world
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Just start by making billions of dollars, then you're set to go
<yawaramin> on a slightly different note, is the OCaml PGP keyserver thing being actively maintained now? i remember a few years ago people were complaining that it was falling apart and taking down the PGP ecosystem because no one could maintain it
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They should riir obviously :)
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<gooby_diatonic> Since Sys.time is processor time, is it supposed to not be affected by OS scheduling and such or am I misunderstanding it?
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