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<companion_cube> pretty weird, "Thread <n> killed on uncaught exception" doesn't seem to print backtraces :(
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<discocaml> <gooby_diatonic> F# is funny, you can add static methods to sums 🤣
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<discocaml> <adamjrios> Now, I am looking for a reliable collaborator who can assist me. If you are based in Europe, North America, or South America and are interested in a part-time or remote job, please contact me as soon as possible.
<discocaml> <darrenldl> @admin ^ adamjrios
<discocaml> <gooby_diatonic> How dare these spammers desecrate the holy camel lands 😠
<discocaml> <kinokasai> oh no I almost fell for it
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<discocaml> <yawaramin> you mean instance methods?
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<discocaml> <barconstruction> I'd certainly be happy to be wrong about this. This page contains a simple example of an abstract data type, a "dirty string".
<discocaml> <barconstruction> I tried to use F# to implement this and I was flummoxed.
<discocaml> <barconstruction> If you can find 20 or 30 minutes this weekend to implement the dirty string module using F# I would find it very illuminating.
<discocaml> <yawaramin> that looks fairly trivial to port to F# with an interface file
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<discocaml> <barconstruction> I'll give it another shot and let you know if I have trouble. I might have had obstacles before because I was trying to enforce boundaries within the same file and fsi boundaries are between files.
<discocaml> <barconstruction> The first problem i'm running into is that F# distinguishes between type "abbreviations" like `type abc = int * string` and type "definitions", e.g. variant types. A type abbreviation cannot be hidden by a signature. That's a little annoying, that we have to pay a runtime cost for hiding the fact that a string is a string by putting it inside a variant.
<discocaml> <barconstruction> `type abc = int -> string` is also an "abbreviation" rather than a "definition" so that also has to be wrapped in a variant I guess
<discocaml> <barconstruction> I think that the "private" keyword is meaningless when used with type abbreviations which is also unfortunate. Only "defined" types such as records and variants can be marked private, the F# compiler ignores this annotation for type abbreviations
<discocaml> <yawaramin> can unbox it with `[<Struct>]` i think
<discocaml> <barconstruction> That's helpful
<discocaml> <yawaramin> like OCaml's `@@unboxed`
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<discocaml> <barconstruction> Do you know the syntax to annotate a type in an fsi file as being a value type? I tried `struct dirty_string` and `[<Struct>] type dirty_string`
<discocaml> <barconstruction> In the fsi file if I write `type dirty_string` it expects a normal type in the implementation not a value type
<discocaml> <alyxshang> When did the desecration happen?
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<discocaml> <._null._> Usually no more than a minute before admin gets pinged
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<discocaml> <alyxshang> What even happened????
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