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<cod1r> hi
<cod1r> im ocaml fan
hi me too
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sleepydog: yeah
It's probably from a year ago ish
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<microwave3607> I like ocaml
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i like ocaml, but preferred the name Objective-CAML
<contificate> I liked just "Caml", or "Caml Light", or even "Caml Special Light"
<deepspacejohn> someone should make a fork and call it Relative CAML.
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subjective caml
<barconstruction> Caml light. Only 100 calories per module.
Caml 0, with aspartame
<deepspacejohn> JoeCamel
<contificate> Surjective Caml, all the things
there was a jocaml in the past
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<Kali> Caml Cranberry
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<lecondorduplateau> au calme
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