companion_cube changed the topic of #ocaml to: Discussion about the OCaml programming language | | OCaml 5.2.0 released: | Try OCaml in your browser: | Public channel logs at
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<discocaml> <gooby_diatonic> salaam fik
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<discocaml> <Joe> I like Subjective Caml
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<discocaml> <deepspacejohn> "Objective" meaning object-oriented always felt like a weird artifact to me. I'm not sure if it's a French thing or if it's something else, but I've never seen another programming language call itself objective in that way.
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<discocaml> <reynir1396> O
<discocaml> <reynir1396> O'Caml
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<discocaml> <gooby_diatonic> French is the official language of computer science
<companion_cube> ?!
<discocaml> <yawaramin> wow looks like i finally need to learn Francois
<discocaml> <deepspacejohn> oh yeah, I completely forgot about objective-C
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<discocaml> <gooby_diatonic> companion_cube: It is hard to articulate the depth of CS concepts in any other language, French is infused with algebras
<companion_cube> ???!?!?
<dh`> french is infused with alleged bras?
<dh`> plausible
* dh` hides
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<discocaml> <gooby_diatonic> Profondeur stupéfiante
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<discocaml> <mbacarella> there's currently no way in a dune project to have it tell you if functions exposed in an .mli are unused right
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<discocaml> <mbacarella> i guess this?
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<discocaml> <undu> Without an mli, only for executable modules, and in relatively new versions of the dune language.
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