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<fmira> has anyone here encountered issues with building in dune when using dune pkg lock? when i try to add anything to my project like lwt or jane street core i get this -
<fmira> _build doesnt have a .sandbox folder which i find weird it just has a .hg/ folder
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<discocaml> <adamcstephens> <>
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<discocaml> <_4ad> is there something like a weak hash table, but for multicore?
<discocaml> <_4ad> yes, I can add a mutex to `Ephemeron` (?), but I was hoping for something lock-free/more principled.
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<discocaml> <_4ad> (I need to implement string interning, if that matters).
<companion_cube> doing that lock free isn't going to be easy imho
<discocaml> <_4ad> well a lock-free concurrent map is hard to implement, of course, but I was hoping I could just combine <> with weak references somehow.
<discocaml> <_4ad> I found this GitHub post to be relevant, but I don't quite understand it: <>
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