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<Guest62> found a box with opam installed. It turned out: opam init ; opam install ppx_jane will downgrade from 5.3 to 5.2, likely one of the dependencies force that downgrade.
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<Guest62> for some reason opam show -f depends ppx_jane | cut -f 2 -d '"' | xargs --verbose -n1 opam show -f depends| grep -E '(^"ocaml"|compiler)' does not show which one forces the downgrade...
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<discocaml> <._null._> You can do `opam install ocaml.5.3.0 ppx_jane` and see what message you get
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<Guest62> apparently it is bin_prot, but it is unclear which part of it wants < 5.3
<discocaml> <._null._> FTR, I can install ppx_jane on my 5.3.0 switch, so the issue must come from another package
<Guest62> What is the "suse" doing there?!
<Guest62> In other words, why would that matter?!
<Guest62> opam install has apparently no --do-it-anway knob to override such bogus constraints?
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<Guest62> Maybe the Leonidas in this channel did that to that pkg? Can you undo it please?
<discocaml> <._null._> You can force the installation by pinning the package and then editing the opam file of the pin
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<Guest62> how do I build the pinned and edited package? # Error: I don't know about package bin_prot (passed through --only-packages)
<discocaml> <sim642> There's also `--ignore-constraints-on`
<Guest62> what would be the syntax? =os-family or =available does not work
<Guest62> or =bin_prot
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<discocaml> <leviroth> Why do you say it’s a “bogus constraint”? It was done for a reason,
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<Guest62> Sure it was done for a reason. A bogus one IMHO.
<Guest62> Given that it compiles just fine in "*suse*" elsewhere.
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<bartholin> what is the motivation for conjunctions in polymorphic variant types (the & symbol) and is there an example where it is useful (even a toy example)?
<bartholin> I am talking about
<bartholin> >Full specifications of variant tags are only used for non-exact closed types. They can be understood as a conjunctive type for the argument: it is intended to have all the types enumerated in the specification.
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<discocaml> <Kali> i don't think ive ever seen them used
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<bartholin> thx
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<discocaml> <alyxshang> Btw, I wanted to just say how comfy this community is. Everyone's very kind. That's very refreshing and calming, to say the least. 🙏
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<bartholin> but wait, in which case is it interesting to keep "t1 & t2", and not to compute the meet?
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<bartholin> afaik, ocaml only keeps "t1 & t2" if these two types are not unifiable
<bartholin> wait no
<bartholin> but the types are either unifiable or not
<bartholin> keeping the form "t1 & t2" is just postponing the unification for no reason
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<bartholin> if I do let f c = ((function `A l -> l) c, (function `A l -> l) c), I get val f : [< `A of 'a & 'b ] -> 'b * 'a = <fun> but obviously 'a should be unified with 'b
<discocaml> <Kali> actually, i have seen them used once, but it was a very fringe use
<Anarchos> bartholin it is the meaning of 'a & 'b
<bartholin> I get a weird result if I annotate the argument with [< `A of 'a], the type becomes val f : [< `A of 'a & 'b & 'c ] -> 'b * 'c
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<Anarchos> bartholin you use `A isntead of A, so both sides are considered to belong to two different types
<bartholin> Anarchos: but in every case ocaml unify the types
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<Anarchos> bartholin yes indeed i am not skilled enough to answer more. But i think the `A instead of A is the clue.
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