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<astreamingcomesacrossthesky> What am I missing about `ocaml -I`? I have compiled ocaml libs in a directory I'm passing as the arg to -I but it doesn't work. However, if I add the extra path segment pointing to the directory containing the .cmi files, it does. Am I doing something stupid or does it only look at the top level of the specified directory?
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<astreamingcomesacrossthesky> What am I missing about `ocaml -I`? I have a directory containing directories of compiled ocaml libs. I pass this parent dir as the arg to -I but it doesn't work. However, if I add the extra path segment pointing to the directory containing the .cmi files themselves, it does. Am I doing something stupid or does it only look at the top level of the specified directory?
<chrisarmstrong> I don't think it works recursively; I believe you need to pass in each directory containing `.cmi` files as a parameter
<astreamingcomesacrossthesky> Good to know. I'm using a non-opam install of OCaml and I'm trying to wrap my head around how libraries are resolved. I suppose I can just add all the desired dirs to .ocamlinit so I don't have to specify them each time the top level is started
<chrisarmstrong> If you insist on not using opam, at least use `ocamlfind` to locate your libraries when calling the top-level
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<inline_93060_96044> ocaml -I just works for flat folder structure, i just tried it on msys2 on windows
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<pierrels> Is it possible to use `Alcotest.skip ()` inside of a QCheck test to make it skip the overlying Alcotest test ? Something like :
<pierrels> ```ocaml
<pierrels> let qcheck_test = QCheck.Test.make ~count:100 ~name:"test" QCheck.(int) (fun k -> Alcotest.skip ()) in
<pierrels> let alcotest_test = QCheck_alcotest.to_alcotest qcheck_test in
<pierrels> I would like it to mark this test as skipped, instead it is marked as a failed test because it raises the Skip exception from Alcotest core.
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<drupyog> Credits to Sebastien Micheland for the idea. Special dédicace to @companion_cube , Fold and simple filters as let-operators:
<drupyog> ```ocaml
<drupyog> let (let<@) (lst, acc) expr = List.fold_left (fun a b -> expr (b,a)) acc lst