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<gabyfle> Hi, by any chances, is there any ressources on how to create safe bindings ? I'm wanting to create bindings for Lib rubberband, and in fact I'm wondering what's the propper way of wrapping enums for example ?
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<holmdunc> The author of rubberband is an SML aficionado, so maybe there's an SML binding for inspiration
<gabyfle> Ok, thanks a lot, I'll take a look at it, thanks for the great ressource
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<kiranandcode> oh, I don't know if the build process for ctypes has gotten better, but one of the biggest pain points I had while writing C bindings was setting up the project and build system. I usually just copy my configs from one C project to another nowadays
<kiranandcode> It's a bit outdated, but here is an example C-binding library (for the swipl prolog language) : for which I think I managed to sort out the build system in a nice way which may be helpful as a reference
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noob here! Just installed latest ocaml following homepage instructions. All is well, except that in `utop' command exit;; does not exit.
It simply tells me that it's a function
<Kali> it is a function
<Kali> you must apply it to an integer
<Kali> which represents the return status of the utop program
Utop tells me that if I want to exit - type exit;; or ctrl-D
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<Kali> where does it say that?
<Kali> > return status of the utop program
<Kali> or, at least, the return status of the program (0 = success, 1 = failure, anything else is context-dependent); `exit : int -> 'a` can be used in any ocaml program, not just utop
I can't remember where I saw the exit;; command! I just found #quit;; which is what I was looking for to get out of utop. Thx!
<Kali> there is a `#quit;;` directive but no `#exit;;` directive, only an `exit` function
<Kali> you may have just mixed them up, it happens
must have done - thx
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does anyone use ppx_jane with an opam OCaml 5.3.0 switch? In other words, is ppx_jane ready for 5.3? The opam constraint is ">= 5.1". ppx_jane FTBFS for me. Not a big deal, just checking if my environment is maybe bogus.
Type "Format.formatter" is not compatible with type "Format_doc.formatter"
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