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<discocaml_> <yawaramin> am i misremembering or is 5.3 the version that restores GC auto-compaction?
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<discocaml_> <hannes6838> no auto, just compaction - you've to manually call Gc.compact IIUC
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<discocaml_> <octachron> And manual compaction was added in 5.2
<discocaml_> <otini_> @octachron maiste noticed that the 5.3 manual seems broken (it uses the old design, and the index pages are blank), is that expected to go back to normal soon? Or is it a bug that should be reported?
<discocaml_> <octachron> I am working on fixing this issue right now
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<bibi__> octachron:
<bibi__> Display problem in file:
<bibi__> e.g. Didier Rémy, KC Sivaramakrishnan and Jérôme Vouillon
<discocaml_> <yawaramin> needs to be `content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8`
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