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ImQ009 has joined #mlpack
< himanshu_pathak[> Hey sakshamb189: the memory build completed without any error I don't know why. I just added some `std::cout` statement to find out where the problem is but it just showing no errors now
< sakshamb189[m]> himanshu_pathak: can you remove the commit containing the print statements, stash those changes and re-run the memory build once again?
favre49 has joined #mlpack
< birm[m]> Apparently the "riot" Android app is now "Element"
< abernauer[m]> birm: Did you just install or update the app?
< favre49> How do you debug a Boost test with gdb? I've usually just been able to fix things with print statements and poring over the code, so I've never done it with a Boost case
< favre49> I tried gdb --args bin/mlpack_test --run_test=TestSuite/TestName but I'm not sure how to set a breakpoint in the test case
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< rcurtin> favre49: if an exception is thrown, you could try `catch throw` and then run
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< favre49> rcurtin: No exception, just that Categorical DQN isn't converging and I though stepping through could give better insight into whats going wrong
< rcurtin> hmm, you could try setting a breakpoint at the first line of the test case
< rcurtin> you should be able to specify breakpoints by filename/line number
< rcurtin> I think like this...?
< rcurtin> (gdb) b filename.cpp:123
< favre49> Oh didn't know I could do it like that, I'll try it out
< favre49> I think it might also work if I were to try mlpack::ann:CategoricalDQN::Episode (since that
< favre49> since that's the main thing happening*
< favre49> Ah it does work, thanks!
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< rcurtin> favre49: awesome, glad it worked! :)
< rcurtin> a friend sent that to me today; cool to see some attention :)
< zoq> great :)
< sreenik[m]> Woah, looks great :)
< sreenik[m]> "Attention is all you need," if you know what I mean :D
< rcurtin> :)
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