ChanServ changed the topic of #mlpack to: "mlpack: a fast, flexible machine learning library :: We don't always respond instantly, but we will respond; please be patient :: Logs at
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< travis-ci> shrit/ensmallen#36 (early_stopping - 8fff9e8 : shrit): The build was broken.
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< travis-ci> shrit/ensmallen#37 (early_stopping - 130057e : shrit): The build is still failing.
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< travis-ci> shrit/ensmallen#38 (early_stopping - f7aa5e6 : Omar Shrit): The build was fixed.
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< sakshamb189[m]> Hi, Himanshu Pathak (Gitter) let's have a meet today or tomorrow at 7pm?
< himanshu_pathak[> sakshamb189: Aah Sorry again I did'nt checked the messages. So bad it is every time I screw things up
< himanshu_pathak[> :(
< himanshu_pathak[> I am stuck at a problem with hadling the prediction when using kernel svm. Everything is fine when I am using linear svm but when using kernel I was not able to scores.
< himanshu_pathak[> That's why kernel svm is failing with concentric circles datasets
< himanshu_pathak[> I need to find a way to set scores when using any kernel function.
< himanshu_pathak[> * I am stuck at a problem with handling the prediction when using kernel svm. Everything is fine when I am using linear svm but when using kernel I was not able to set scores.
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< yashwants19[m]> Hey everyone, here is the link for my weekly blog. Kindly share your views.
< yashwants19[m]> <yashwants19[m] "Hey everyone, here is the link f"> [Link](
< yashwants19[m]> Thank you :)
< rcurtin> yashwants19[m]: thanks! I think everything is going great :)
< yashwants19[m]> Yup, All thanks to mentors :)
< sakshamb189[m]> Hey himanshu_pathak let's discuss this on the PR, This way it would be easier for me to understand the issue.
< himanshu_pathak[> sakshamb189: Yup, I will ask you there.
< sakshamb189[m]> Also have you shared your blog post for this week?
< himanshu_pathak[> Hey everyone here is the link to my weekly progress :)
< himanshu_pathak[> sakshamb189: Yup was doing that
< pie3> what is difference between max_pool & max_pool1/2/3d in tensroflow?
< sakshamb189[m]> Himanshu Pathak (Gitter): like the post ;) nice gif
< himanshu_pathak[> Thanks :)
< sakshamb189[m]> pie3: this isn't the right place to ask tensorflow related queries.
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< mlpack-meeting> Hello everyone, video meeting in about 30 minutes -
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< jeffin143[m]> It's tue
< jeffin143[m]> Or Thursday
< zoq> ignore the bot ... have to check the cronjob
< jeffin143[m]> Or am I in another world ?
< jeffin143[m]> Ok ok
< zoq> haha -> 30 19 1-7 * * [ "$(date '+\%a')" = "Tue" ]
< zoq> Thursday not Tuesday
< zoq> classic
< rcurtin> zoq: thank you for setting this up! this is awesome
< rcurtin> it is clear I am the weak link when it comes to meeting announcements (maybe announcements in general!)
< rcurtin> a bot will be much more reliable :)
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< shrit[m]> rcurtin You are right, when I do make doc on my machine I detect different errors
< rcurtin> yeah, doxygen behaves differently with different versions :)
< rcurtin> but in any case your latest commit passed the LaTeX documentation checks so I think we are good to go :)
< rcurtin> I'm just gonna wait on the other ones because I am paranoid but I really don't expect that there will be any issues
< rcurtin> thank you for being so patient with this whole process---what you were working on touches *lots* of different parts of the codebase, so it's a little inevitable that there are all kinds of unforeseen issues :(
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