ChanServ changed the topic of #mlpack to: "mlpack: a fast, flexible machine learning library :: We don't always respond instantly, but we will respond; please be patient :: Logs at
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project mlpack - git commit test build #469: UNSTABLE in 1 hr 29 min:
kshitijandmojoGi has joined #mlpack
< kshitijandmojoGi> Hi!
< kshitijandmojoGi> I am Kshitij Sarode, 2nd year EC Engineering student @bitsgoa. I want to contribute to the project but don't know where to start from? can anyone help me? and I am facing trouble joining the slack forum, pls help me regarding this too. Thanks in advance.
favre49 has joined #mlpack
< favre49> kshitijandmojoGi: I think the best way to start is looking through the issues, especially those tagged "good first issue" or "help wanted"
< favre49> I don't use slack for mlpack so its doubtful I can help you, but if you describe your issue someone who does could?
< jonpsy[m]> > I am Kshitij Sarode, 2nd year EC Engineering student @bitsgoa. I want to contribute to the project but don't know where to start from? can anyone help me? and I am facing trouble joining the slack forum, pls help me regarding this too. Thanks in advance.
< jonpsy[m]> There's a getting started page in mlpack website 🙂
ImQ009 has joined #mlpack
govg has joined #mlpack
< zoq> nishantkr18[m]: Great update, I guess I have to watch Dark now :)
< chopper_inbound[> Hello everyone, this is my weekly blog for week 6. Looking for feedback/suggestions :)
< favre49> nishantkr18[m]: I have a friend who learns multiple languages just by watching shows in them, I think I need to start soon too
< jonpsy[m]> nishantkr18 , you can use english sub over German dub? It sounds really good!! :3
< jonpsy[m]> That's how I watch anime too original voice + eng sub :))
< jonpsy[m]> * nishantkr18 , you can use english sub on German dub? It sounds really good!! :3
< jonpsy[m]> That's how I watch anime too original voice + eng sub :))
favre49 has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
< jenkins-mlpack2> Yippee, build fixed!
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project mlpack - git commit test build #470: FIXED in 1 hr 23 min:
ImQ009 has quit [Quit: Leaving]
< jeffin143[m]> zoq[m] : before sleeping can your re run
< jeffin143[m]> This job ??
< zoq> jeffin143[m]: Sure, the failed job?
< zoq> jeffin143[m]: Queued
< zoq> jeffin143[m]: Current position in queue: 13
< jeffin143[m]> Oh yeah
< jeffin143[m]> It automatically did I guess
< jeffin143[m]> Intelligent pipelines
< zoq> I hit the button :)
< jeffin143[m]> Oh you did it , thanks
< jeffin143[m]> That was really quick and hence I thought
< jeffin143[m]> It automatically triggered
< zoq> jeffin143[m]: Currently looking into the failed windows job in
< jeffin143[m]> Yeah I tried looking into that , googled a bit
< jeffin143[m]> Couldn't find what is the issue
< jeffin143[m]> Something related to serialisation may be
< zoq> rcurtin: Can you install cppcheck on master, maybe on bigglesworth and scott as well?
< rcurtin> sure, let me do that
< rcurtin> done on master (other two are in progress)
< rcurtin> I've also been trying to check in with the group that maintains dealgood... but thanks to COVID I think nobody is really going into the server room very often, and so I haven't heard back
< rcurtin> however dealgood is not lost forever like the other ones that symantec hosted :'(
< rcurtin> I have another host to add too, but the problem is, I've actually been using it a lot lately... it is hooked up to my entertainment system and I recently got a copy of the game "Outer Wilds"
< rcurtin> which has absolutely grabbed me and seems to be what I do most nights to wind down!
< rcurtin> :)
< zoq> haha, nice
< zoq> I have another machine, I could add as well, but I have to update that one first ...
< zoq> also remember I said I ike to see more load on on of the system, well one of the memory job went crazy -,1594675323.png
< rcurtin> yeah, I noticed that on the master node too over the weekend, I was writing some PHP (blast from the past! :)) and noticed that everything got really slow
< rcurtin> it wasn't overloaded for very long (looks like that one was like two full days!) so I didn't look into it
< zoq> Some issue with valgrind and kernel svm