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< jeffin143> zoq[m] :
< jeffin143> I get the following error even after import header file core.hpp from mlpack
< jeffin143> Undefined arma and mlapack
< jeffin143> mlpack*
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< zoq> jeffin143[m]: Can you use another header guard in mlboard/include/core.hpp?
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< travis-ci> shrit/ensmallen#19 (early_stopping - eec5fc5 : shrit): The build has errored.
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< travis-ci> shrit/ensmallen#20 (early_stopping - 95ee45e : shrit): The build has errored.
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< travis-ci> shrit/ensmallen#21 (early_stopping - 34575c0 : shrit): The build has errored.
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< travis-ci> shrit/ensmallen#22 (early_stopping - e158086 : Omar Shrit): The build passed.
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< travis-ci> shrit/ensmallen#23 (early_stopping - 9c95774 : Omar Shrit): The build passed.
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< travis-ci> shrit/ensmallen#24 (early_stopping - 099aae0 : Omar Shrit): The build was broken.
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< travis-ci> shrit/ensmallen#25 (early_stopping - 816d7ab : Omar Shrit): The build was fixed.
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< rcurtin> whew, I've noticed that basically all the PRs have some failing test or another... very few green builds
< rcurtin> often this doesn't actually have to do with the PR itself but with randomly failing tests and other unrelated problems
< rcurtin> I'm going to devote a little effort to try and make this situation better; I imagine it is pretty frustrating for everyone :)
< zoq> ensmallen or mlpack?
< zoq> on the ensmallen side, it's because the static analysis job wasn't worked before so we see all these new issues
< rcurtin> I've only noticed it with mlpack but maybe it is happening with ensmallen too?
< zoq> hm, do you have an example?
< zoq> I checked a couple of PR's but the once I checked are PR code change related.
< zoq> also same problem with the static code analysis job on the mlpack side
< zoq> I shoul dalso mention the static code analysis job will only report issues in modified files
< zoq> all incidents are listed in reports/reports.xml
< jeffin143[m]> @zoq , now there is another problem
< jeffin143[m]> Like even though I have wrote header guard still it show you have defined variable two time
< jeffin143[m]> I mean the functions
< jeffin143[m]> Or duplicate symbols
< zoq> jeffin143[m]: Is there any branch I can test this?
< jeffin143[m]> Image-support branch
< jeffin143[m]> github/Mlpack/mlboard/pull/6
< zoq> jeffin143[m]: Ohh I had an unfinished review.
< zoq> jeffin143[m]: Let me post a patch for the build issue.
< jeffin143[m]> zoq ( Thanks
< jeffin143[m]> What does inline do apart from replacing function call by its definition
< jeffin143[m]> Like al though there was header guard how did
< jeffin143[m]> It get included two times
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< zoq> jeffin143[m]: Here is a good answer:
< rcurtin> zoq: yeah, I need to go collect the problems, I don't think much of it has to do with how the jenkins jobs are configured or anything
< rcurtin> the majority of things are either, e.g., AppVeyor timeouts or random test failures
< jeffin143[m]> zoq ( you are a hero :)
< jeffin143[m]> Thanks
< rcurtin> is an example, I'm going to try to adjust those tests today
< zoq> jeffin143[m]: nahh, glad I could help, I forgot that mlboard is header only as well.
< zoq> rcurtin: I see, I thought each PR is failing for some strange reasons.
< rcurtin> yeah, it's different for each one, it just seems like a lot more red Xs than green check marks :)
< walragatver[m]> Hey jeffin143: birm: I am here
< jeffin143[m]> Hi walragatver , here as well
< walragatver[m]> jeffin143: I am currently reviewing #9
< jeffin143[m]> walragatver: yes so finally I was able to build and run test on windows
< walragatver[m]> I am happy that you were able to built on windows
< jeffin143[m]> Yeah
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< walragatver[m]> Okay so that's it for the discussion today
< walragatver[m]> I will review all the PRs soon. I was slightly busy
< jeffin143[m]> walragatver : no issues
< jeffin143[m]> I will write test and rebase text pr
< jeffin143[m]> And also come up with any test if possible for image
< jeffin143[m]> Also planning to add support for logging audio summary
< jeffin143[m]> Though it doesn't make any sense here
< jeffin143[m]> Since we don't have any support for audio but I guess it ok to have
< walragatver[m]> jeffin143: Okay if we don't need audio support what we can do is to leave it for now. When a use case for audio support we can implement it
< RyanBirminghamGi> Hi jeffin143 and walragatver!
< jeffin143[m]> walragatver: it's relatively easy to add so I don't have any trouble in supporting that
< jeffin143[m]> I guess it would really take less time to add those
< jeffin143[m]> Hi Ryan Birmingham (Gitter) : Thanks for the review :)
< RyanBirminghamGi> Working with windows is frustrating, but I'm sure I don't have to tell you that now ;)
< walragatver[m]> You can prioritize working on other supports like histograms it would be a good support
< walragatver[m]> It looks there is connection issue at this moment
< walragatver[m]> Okay connection is back again
< jeffin143[m]> walragatver: ok then I will try to work on histogram next :)
< walragatver[m]> Basically, you would be knowing that visualizing the objective is quite important to build good model
< jeffin143[m]> Yes
< walragatver[m]> Okay so that's it from my side.
< jeffin143[m]> Yeah I also have nothing else
< walragatver[m]> birm: Anything you would like to discuss something?
< RyanBirminghamGi> This goes not just for this project, but everyone should remember to do their evaluations!
< walragatver[m]> birm: Yes absolutely
< RyanBirminghamGi> Other than that, I think we're ok. :)
< RyanBirminghamGi> Ideally, pull requests would each be highly independent, but since this is a new repo, I understand that this does not always work. Just hoping we don't get any difficult conflicts. :)
< walragatver[m]> birm: Yeah you are correct
< walragatver[m]> jeffin143: birm: Have a nice week ahead. See you on Sunday
< RyanBirminghamGi> See you! Stay safe!
< kartikdutt18[m]> Hey everyone, Here is the [link]( to my weekly blog. Kindly let me know what you think.
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< zoq> kartikdutt18[m]: Awesome blog post, so many interesting things in there, now using; thanks!
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< kartikdutt18[m]> Thanks, That looks good, I'll try it out :)
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