ChanServ changed the topic of #mlpack to: "mlpack: a fast, flexible machine learning library :: We don't always respond instantly, but we will respond; please be patient :: Logs at
< kartikdutt18[m]> <KimSangYeon-DGU[ "Saksham[m] , kartikdutt18 : I'm "> Have a great flight.
ImQ009 has joined #mlpack
< saksham189Gitter> Yeah have a safe journey @KimSangYeon-DGU and we'll meet on Sunday
< jeffin143[m]>
< jeffin143[m]> Were you able to run it in local that pr ?
favre49 has joined #mlpack
< jeffin143[m]> Anyone here , would like to teach me what is ABI in c++
< jeffin143[m]> I have read through many articles but I am not sure
< jeffin143[m]> Like what exactly it is
< shrit[m]1> For me, ABI is your or .a
< shrit[m]1> the compiled version,
< jeffin143[m]> Yes shrit , but then how does one change and abi , I mean Mlpack is used by many others then what should I do in mlpack that will break the abi and other programs will fail until and unless they are recompiled
< jeffin143[m]> I gues if we change any function or ordering of arguments that will break the abi ? Correct
< shrit[m]1> easy just update the current version of boost, and your boost ABI is broken and you can not run mlpack
< shrit[m]1> so you will have to compile mlpack from start and reinstall it
< shrit[m]1> * By supposing that some functions have changed between boost versions that is used by mlpack
< shrit[m]1> even not, if you have linked with a specific version, only change the version will break the ABI
< jeffin143[m]> Ok now , whenever I hit make it will tend to compile only some files which are changed correct ??? So now consider a file called that boost function which changed abi and now if that is never compiled then I would never know that the functions have been changed until runtime when it will throw undefined symbol correct ?
< jeffin143[m]> Like it will not throw an error at compile time --> because the file never got compiled I mean it was Aldeardy compiled since there was no new changes and it didn't re compile it
< jeffin143[m]> And hence I would only know at run time that the function defination had been changed
< shrit[m]1> Hmm, I will try to be more specific. the compiler detect only changes in implementations, for example, a new version of is installed, in this case if you try to compile mlpack the compiler will detect the new version. If it is a header library the compiler will detect nothing so you will have to clean the compiled binaries are re-compile. Another case, suppose mlpack is installed on your machine
< shrit[m]1> already and boost have changed, if you tried to run any mlpack_main the will fail because it will not find the specific boost version that was installed to recover the functions from at run time,
< shrit[m]1> in order to make life simpler, static linking does exist for this kind of issues
< jeffin143[m]> Yes , Thanks a lot shrit :)
< jeffin143[m]> Thank you so much :)
< jeffin143[m]> Yes I have been using static Linking but never knew why ๐Ÿ˜‚
< jeffin143[m]> But got that today because of abi change issues and everything
< shrit[m]1> The reason of not using static linking is the requirement for terabytes of storage, and half of them will have boost serialization inside for example if they use it,
< jeffin143[m]> shrit : yes that makes sense
< walragatver[m]1> > Were you able to run it in local that pr ?
< walragatver[m]1> Yes
< walragatver[m]1> jeffin143: I have commented on that PR it's outcome
< walragatver[m]1> Getting error while linking mlboard_tests
< walragatver[m]1> Rest looks good
< jeffin143[m]> > <> > Were you able to run it in local that pr ?
< jeffin143[m]> > Yes
< jeffin143[m]> How did you manage to run it in local walragatver
< jeffin143[m]> I have seen the command
< jeffin143[m]> I can rectify the Linkin error
< walragatver[m]1> Normal procedure
< walragatver[m]1> rm -rf build
< walragatver[m]1> cd build and make stuff
< jeffin143[m]> You said this
< jeffin143[m]> Like error at core.hpp*
< walragatver[m]1> > Like error at core.hpp*
< walragatver[m]1> Yeah I fixed that line by changing that code
< jeffin143[m]> Ok then I need to install the correct version of protobuf may be
< jeffin143[m]> I will do it
< walragatver[m]1> Hmm yeah you can refer the link pointed by mxnet
< walragatver[m]1> I installed after referring it
< jeffin143[m]> Can you share the link ?
< jeffin143[m]> Like it will take too much time
< jeffin143[m]> To do that way right ??
< jeffin143[m]> That and everything
< jeffin143[m]> So ci would take time
< walragatver[m]1> I think precompiled binaries are there
< walragatver[m]1> Especially for conda environments
< walragatver[m]1> Do you have tensorflow or pytorch in any environment?
< walragatver[m]1> In that hit conda list
< walragatver[m]1> You will see protobuf installed
< jeffin143[m]> Yes I do have
< jeffin143[m]> Yeah
< jeffin143[m]> I will update and check with the new method
< jeffin143[m]> <walragatver[m]1 "In that hit conda list"> Thanks for the help :)
< walragatver[m]1> I referered the c++ guideline
< walragatver[m]1> <jeffin143[m] "Thanks for the help :)"> jeffin143: no problem
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< rcurtin> oh nice, my meeting got cancelled so now I can attend the video meetup
< jeffin143[m]> rcurtin ( :)
< jeffin143[m]> On an avg how many do you have ?
< jeffin143[m]> Also what's the maximum
< rcurtin> meetings? sigh. today I had 7 scheduled meetings
< rcurtin> I typically spend maybe 20-30% of my time in meetings, some weeks more (this week definitely more)
< rcurtin> I really would prefer my meeting time to be more like 5-10% and handle the rest of everything asynchronously (chat or email) but that's unfortunately not how my company works
< rcurtin> for today I gave up on actually writing code, since the longest break I have between any two meetings is less than two hours
< jeffin143[m]> That's a lot of discussion
< jeffin143[m]> Wohhh
< rcurtin> too much discussion, at some point it's pointless...
< yashwants19[m]> Hello everyone, here is the for weekly blog. Sorry but I am late here. Kindly share your views.
< yashwants19[m]> Thank you
< rcurtin> thanks for the post yashwants19[m]!
< yashwants19[m]> :)
< walragatver[m]1> jeffin143: I digged in slightly
< walragatver[m]1> We will need to build protobuf from source for c++ binary
< walragatver[m]1> For getting the latest version
< walragatver[m]1> I am of the view that to solve this problem let's not add pre compiled headers.
< walragatver[m]1> In future if needed we can do it
< walragatver[m]1> It would save our ci testing in good amount
< walragatver[m]1> Usage*
< jeffin143[m]> walragatver: ok
< jeffin143[m]> But walragatver
< jeffin143[m]> I really made a mess of my protobuf library
< jeffin143[m]> Now there is no protoc --version
< jeffin143[m]> In my computer
< jeffin143[m]> My protobuf version is 3.12.3
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< jeffin143> walragatver[m]1 :
< walragatver[m]1> <jeffin143 "walragatver :"> jeffin143: Sorry I didn't get it it's working right?
< jeffin143[m]> No it isn't
< jeffin143[m]> Like my protoc version is 3.12.3
< jeffin143[m]> And protobuf version is 3012003
< walragatver[m]1> <jeffin143[m] "And protobuf version is 3012003"> Protobuf version is quite weird
< walragatver[m]1> Protoc and protobuf version should be same mostly
< jeffin143[m]> > And protobuf version is 3012003
< jeffin143[m]> This is decoded as 3.12.3
< jeffin143[m]> Decimal
< jeffin143> walragatver[m]1, I understood how I got protobuf in my computer
< jeffin143> it is required by postgis
< jeffin143> I was unistalling it today and found that it is required by postgis
< jeffin143> and installing postgis -> internally did install protobuf
< walragatver[m]1> > > And protobuf version is 3012003
< walragatver[m]1> > This is decoded as 3.12.3
< walragatver[m]1> Great then it should work
< walragatver[m]1> What's the error you are getting?
< walragatver[m]1> And when you are getting it?
< walragatver[m]1> jeffin143: tagging you
< jeffin143[m]> Just a sec
< jeffin143[m]>
< jeffin143> here it is
< rcurtin> hopefully the meeting doesn't auto-quit when I leave, let me know if it does and I'll play with the zoom settings :)
< zoq> rcurtin: Looks good.
< rcurtin> wow that is quite a blast from gitdub, even worse than usual on the mlpack-git mailing list
< rcurtin> I wonder if it just handled it really badly when I deleted the 3.2.2 tag and then pushed a new one
< rcurtin> actually... I think I haven't updated gitdub in almost 5 years, but I bet the upstream code has updated
< rcurtin> maybe I'll just update the version and hopefully the problem will go away :)
< walragatver[m]1> jeffin143 (
< walragatver[m]1> >
< walragatver[m]1> jeffin143: Have you installed it using brew?
< jeffin143> yes
< jeffin143> brew install protobuf@3.12
< walragatver[m]1> Can you try building from source?
< jeffin143> I tried but then even the master code doesn't compile
< jeffin143> Like I messed up a lot
< jeffin143> like now there are so many symlinks and version
< jeffin143> the code from master branch also doesn't get build
< jeffin143> which os do you use ?
< walragatver[m]1> I use ubuntu 18.04
< jeffin143> ohk
< walragatver[m]1> > I tried but then even the master code doesn't compile
< walragatver[m]1> Don't install the master branch
< jeffin143> then ?
< walragatver[m]1> Install a version release
< jeffin143> oh shoot
< jeffin143> I have been using master branch all this time
< walragatver[m]1> Releases ยท protocolbuffers/protobuf
< walragatver[m]1> From here download the tar file for cpp
< walragatver[m]1> And then follow the instructions given in previous link I shared with you in the evening
< jeffin143> ok I have unistalled everything
< jeffin143> Let's see
< walragatver[m]1> Yeah whatever you are going through just note it down we might need it in future for mac
< walragatver[m]1> > Yeah whatever you are going through just note it down we might need it in future for mac
< walragatver[m]1> Instructions I mean to install properly
< jeffin143[m]> Ok
< jeffin143[m]>
< jeffin143[m]> After installing
< jeffin143[m]> Does protoc comes in your computer ?
< walragatver[m]1> Not sure
< walragatver[m]1> jeffin143: I was just able to run protoc --version successfully everytime
< jeffin143[m]> Ok that means it's there
< walragatver[m]1> It might also be like I have installed it for some other lib
< jeffin143[m]> Ohh
< walragatver[m]1> I think protoc comes with protobuf right in the build?
< walragatver[m]1> jeffin143: protocs binary also comes with pip. I had one installed with pip and it superseded my protobuf's protoc. So at the end I was required to uninstall protoc installed from pip to work correctly
< walragatver[m]1> That version was quite different than protobuf
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project mlpack - git commit test build #441: FAILURE in 1 hr 21 min:
< jeffin143> huh walragatver[m]1, finally download protoc 3.11 version
< jeffin143> at least was able to compile mlboard's master branch with it
< jeffin143> I have wasted almost 3 days trying all this out, no doubt why mlpack is strongly against introducing new dependcy
ImQ009 has quit [Quit: Leaving]
< rcurtin> zoq: any chance you can install sloccount on pioneer?
< zoq> rcurtin: done
< rcurtin> thanks!
< jeffin143> walragatver[m]1 : the error still persist, when you compiled on local did you use precompiled headers ?
jeffin143 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
< rcurtin> I upgraded gitdub, but the diff between the version I had running and the current up-to-date version was like 3 lines, so I don't know if it will really fix anything :)
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project mlpack - git commit test build #442: STILL FAILING in 1 hr 3 min:
< rcurtin> strange, that's a doxygen "size_t not document" error---I thought that we merged changes for those
< rcurtin> it doesn't happen on the master node though, probably because that runs an older version of doxygen
< zoq> rcurtin: Right I disabled the doxygen PR job on polar and pioneer.
< rcurtin> ahh, ok, I guess the git commit job still builds the doxygen documentation
< rcurtin> maybe we should disable that job there too, and use polar/pioneer just for PR builds?
< zoq> Sure that works, let me do that.
< rcurtin> I might have to do the same for bigglesworth, let's see what the version is
< zoq> I just assigned a new tag 'pullrequest' to both nodes which I will add to the PR jobs.
< rcurtin> awesome, I'm trying to use apt to pin the version of doxygen on bigglesworth
< rcurtin> ha, we could bring back the matrix build if you want higher load :)
< zoq> nah :)
< abernauer[m]> Is the next Zoom call the first Thursday of July? Didn't see the email yesterday.