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< rcurtin> shrit[m]1: yeah, I guess for CLI11 we need to include the header or have an autodownloader
< rcurtin> it doesn't seem to be available in debian
< shrit[m]1> @rcurtin An autodownloader is already included in the pull request I am just going to create.
< shrit[m]1> Even I prefer to have the header included as one file.
< rcurtin> cool---personally, I don't have too much of an opinion. it doesn't seem like a problem to include the CLI11 source in our repository, but we should find some way to make sure it is updated reasonably often
< shrit[m]1> That is true, but looking at the actual code for parsing command line, it is rarely updated, in this case, we can update it each time there is a new version of mlpack
< shrit[m]1> mlpack 4, 5, or 6
< rcurtin> that would seem reasonable to me; I certainly would hope that a command line parsing library is quite stable :-D
< shrit[m]1> Or of course, if we have some kind of urgent modifications
< shrit[m]1> That is good, once #2459 is full reviewed we can add the the CLI as one file, just to make review easy :D
< rcurtin> :)
< shrit[m]1> #2459 should be easy to review, but I am not sure about cereal #2458
< rcurtin> the diffs are very big, it might take me a day or two :-D
< shrit[m]1> There is one major diff is for CLI -> CMD (namespaces)
< shrit[m]1> otherwise I have modified about 4 files for CLI11
< shrit[m]1> I will have to go to sleep now, see you tomorrow
< rcurtin> sounds good, talk to you then :)
< rcurtin> hmmm, maybe this system is too old? the case has a Windows XP license on it...
< rcurtin> an old core 2 system with 4GB RAM... I think it will work, but it won't be fast :)
< kartikdutt18[m]> <zoq "kartikdutt18: Great update, than"> Thanks; Yes, Have you heard [INZO's Angst]( as well ?
< jonpsy[m]> kartikdutt18: hi , sorry for the delayed response. Could you clarify the difference between the two Split methods in your model repository?
< jonpsy[m]> From what I gather, they're both used for image type of dataset
< kartikdutt18[m]> The difference is based on input template whether bounding boxes for images are same or not. If not, we need to use field type. I don't think the second implementation would be of any use for your PR.
< kartikdutt18[m]> <zoq "kartikdutt18: Also, not sure if "> Hmm, Maybe there should be a paper for YOLOv5.
< jonpsy[m]> i see
< jonpsy[m]> btw, if we're working on image. There shouldn't be ```arma::field<arma:;vec>``` type of input, right?
< jonpsy[m]> image are passed around as ```arma::field<arma::mat>``` here, right?
< kartikdutt18[m]> That's for the bounding box. Also in mlpack images are expressed in columns.
< jonpsy[m]> images are expressed as ```arma::field<arma::vec>``` only ? or both columns and mat, only columns kinda doesn't sound intuitive to me
< kartikdutt18[m]> Also we don't use field type for images. We use them for bounding boxes only.
< jonpsy[m]> aha
< jeffin143[m]> zoq why do we use ctest ??
< jeffin143[m]> Or how to reproduce error caused by ctest
< jeffin143[m]> Running simple test doesn't fail but build fails
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< KimSangYeon-DGU[> kartikdutt18 ( Great blog!
< kartikdutt18[m]> Thanks :)
< chopper_inbound[> Hello everyone! This is my weekly blog for week 2.
< chopper_inbound[> It will be nice to get some feedback/suggestions :)
< jeffin143[m]> > Hello everyone! This is my weekly blog for week 2.
< jeffin143[m]> It will be nice to get some feedback/suggestions :)
< jeffin143[m]> 👌
< chopper_inbound[> jeffin143: 🙂
< jeffin143[m]> chopper_inbound ( you were using something similar to matplotlib for c++ , if I am not wrong ?
< chopper_inbound[> in this project?
< jeffin143[m]> No , while application period was ongoing , weren't you trying for visualisation tool ? chopper_inbound (
< chopper_inbound[> Naah... Maybe someone else.
< jeffin143[m]> Oh 😂 sorry
< jeffin143[m]> I have a very bad memory
< chopper_inbound[> I think it's not your fault. I should change my username here :D
< rcurtin> chopper_inbound[: thanks for the update, I enjoyed reading it :)
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< chopper_inbound[> rcurtin: 🙂
< shrit[m]1> @rcurtin what is reference set is used in Knn? I undertand perfectly the query set, but if they are different what is the usage of reference set?
< shrit[m]1> Suppose that the reference set is the dataset, It says If I did not specify a query the reference set is used as a query. Does that means that each line of the reference set will be used to find its neighbors and so on untill the end of the dataset?
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< rcurtin> shrit[m]1: the "reference set" is the set of points in which we are searching, and the "query set" is the points for which we want the nearest neighbor
< rcurtin> i.e., if the reference set is R and the query set is Q, then mlpack_knn is finding the K nearest points in *R* to each query point in Q
< rcurtin> if Q = R, then the problem reduces to "all-k-nearest-neighbor"
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< HimanshuPathakGi> Hey @rcurtin I need to add an implementation for SMO in ensmallen for kernel_svm or Is there any other way I can do that
< rcurtin> HimanshuPathakGi: I think SMO is specific to SVM, so probably adding something to ensmallen won't make sense since it is not general
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< HimanshuPathakGi> > `rcurtin on Freenode` Himanshu Pathak (Gitter): I think SMO is specific to SVM, so probably adding something to ensmallen won't make sense since it is not general
< HimanshuPathakGi> Ok I will try to implement it in the implementation of kernel_svm :+1:
< rcurtin> correct me if I'm wrong about that---I'm not an SMO expert. but I don't think that we could optimize arbitrary objective functions with SMO
< HimanshuPathakGi> Yes, it is used to solve quadratic problem in SVM
< HimanshuPathakGi> I am also not expert in it but just started learning about it Sorry, if I am wrong. I think I should first read more about it I will ask for help if I got stuck.
< rcurtin> zoq: question for you about the Lookup layer
< rcurtin> in lookup_impl.hpp, line 37, it looks like this will only work for a batch size of 1
< rcurtin> i.e., when we do `output = weights.cols(arma::conv_to<arma::uvec>::from(input) - 1);`, this can only work if input is a single column
< rcurtin> would a more correct implementation be something like...
< rcurtin> output.set_size(weights.n_rows, input.n_cols);
< rcurtin> for (size_t i = 0; i < input.n_cols; ++i)
< rcurtin> output.col(i) = weights.cols(arma::conv_to<arma::uvec>::from(input) - 1).t(); // is the .t() needed? not sure
< rcurtin> and then a similar change for the gradient?
< rcurtin> (this is all related to
< rcurtin> or... is the idea for the Lookup<> type that we pass in a single index and then get back an entire row?
< rcurtin> so, e.g., the input should be 1-dimensional
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< zoq> rcurtin: You are right this only works for batchsize=1 and yes the input is an index and it should return a row.
< zoq> rcurtin: I guess this is one layer we missed in the transition.
< rcurtin> hmmm, ok, so the shape of the input should be 1 row and batch_size columns, and the shape of the output should be weights.n_rows rows and batch_size columns?
< rcurtin> I just posted an updated comment on #2434, I think actually if what I wrote in the last message is correct, then the implementation already supports large batches
< rcurtin> but if the user passes in something that's higher than one-dimensional (like if they pass in a one-hot encoded representation), then the encoding will fail
< rcurtin> maybe Ilias will tell us a bit more about his setup and it will be clearer what the issue is, we'll see
< rcurtin> ok, I brought a new build slave (I decided to go with a different movie for hostnames this time)
< zoq> :)
< rcurtin> it's one of the few old systems I have from GT... an old i5 with 6GB RAM
< rcurtin> I have another one to plug in too, but first I need to make sure that my little "network closet" isn't going to overheat :)
< zoq> haha ... hopefully it's not too loud
< rcurtin> nah, it's just a desktop, so no real noise at all
< rcurtin> my "network closet" is quite literally a cupboard under the stairs
< rcurtin> so I am a bit worried about airflow issues :)
< rcurtin> in the worst case I'll just cut a hole in the drywall and put a vent there so it gets airflow, but I want to make sure that I need to before putting in the effort :)
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< rcurtin> zoq: is there any chance I could get a shell on polar to try and reproduce the valgrind issues?
< rcurtin> actually, I suppose I can just use the jenkins account if that's okay with you
< zoq> rcurtin: Sure, I can also create another account up to you.
< rcurtin> nah, I can use the existing one, it should be ok
< rcurtin> oh, actually, nevermind, the credentials are different---so probably setting up a new account is easiest
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< zoq> chopper_inbound[: Thanks for the update, commented on #2404.