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< rcurtin> abernauer[m]: yeah, but of course the zoom room is open all the time if you'd like to use it for mlpack discussions or something
< jeffin143[m]> , suppose I want to link against armadillo and mlpack library using cmake
< jeffin143[m]> How should I link them
< jeffin143[m]> Target_link_libraries (library path)
< jeffin143[m]> But now path could be anything na ?? In different computer the armadillo lib would have different path and same goes with mlpacklib
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< jeffin143[m]> Anyone here who use mac ???
< jeffin143[m]> Can you check if you /include/google/protobuf/proto_def.ini ??
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< kartikdutt18[m]> Hey jeffin143 , I'm not sure what I need to check.
< jeffin143[m]> Do you have protobuf I installed
< jeffin143[m]> Please check whether your include directory have Google directory ?
< kartikdutt18[m]> Also for the linking against mlpack in cmake, You can copy the FindMLPACK file to CMAKE folder from models repo and use find package in cmake to find mlpack and link it.
< kartikdutt18[m]> same for armadillo.
< jeffin143[m]> Oh I see
< jeffin143[m]> Thanks that
< jeffin143[m]> Will work out
< kartikdutt18[m]> Installed protobuf.
< kartikdutt18[m]> Yes it does.
< kartikdutt18[m]> * Yes it does have the google directory. This exists : /include/google/protobuf/proto_def.ini
< jeffin143[m]> How did you install ???
< jeffin143[m]> Brew install protobuf ?
< kartikdutt18[m]> Yes.
< jeffin143[m]> Can you check what is the version ->
< jeffin143[m]> Protoc --version
< kartikdutt18[m]> 3.12.3
< jeffin143[m]> Ok
< jeffin143[m]> 1 more thing
< jeffin143[m]> `/usr/local/include/google/protobuf/stubs`
< kartikdutt18[m]> Sure.
< jeffin143[m]> In this path
< jeffin143[m]> grep GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_VERSION common.h
< jeffin143[m]> Please issue this command
< jeffin143[m]> Thanks :)
< jeffin143[m]> Are there any matrix client that you are using ??
< jeffin143[m]> I use irc , and on phone Rio chat
< kartikdutt18[m]> Great. I use gitter or riot on both devices.
< jeffin143[m]>
< jeffin143[m]> Are you there ?
< shrit[m]1> rcurtin: I have added two commits inspired from your solution considering the raw pointer, it is working now, but this might requires some modification in mlpack database. if you think this solution is good let me know so I can starting testing on mlpack source. I also update the main file to show a basic usage. The overall is good I think πŸ‘οΈ
< shrit[m]1> *mlpack sourcebase
< jeffin143[m]> shrit: do you have some bandwidth to help me with small thing in cmake ??
< shrit[m]1> Of course
< jeffin143[m]> I have wrote this , like this is my issue
< jeffin143[m]> Not sure how to resolve it
< jeffin143[m]> The agend is cmake is not able to find the file in /usr/bin/include dir in my Mac , it will only try to find the files in /build/include/
< jeffin143[m]> Build is the new dir which we create to run cmak ../ and make
< jeffin143[m]> So like how should I force my cmake to search the computer to find Google/files
< shrit[m]1> yes I understand
< shrit[m]1> Did you generated the header with protobuf?
< shrit[m]1> I suppose it is yes but cmake is looking at the root directory right?
< jeffin143[m]> Yes I generated it using protobuf , like using grnerate_cpp()
< shrit[m]1> mlpack already looks for its header in the build directory, so it is being copied there and then you can look for it there
< shrit[m]1> unless if I am not understanding the issue
< shrit[m]1> you want to specify the folder to look for headers right?
< jeffin143[m]> Now it's trying to find a third party library , whereas the link you suggest is our own headers right
< shrit[m]1> Actually you want cmake to find any third-party library with a specific location right?
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< jeffin143[m]> Yes exactly , but not specific location because different operating system has different deafult installation location , I want it to look at default locations
< jeffin143[m]> Just a sec , I will show you a thing
< jeffin143> -> Can you take a look at the two builds , Like linux will pass since it is able to find the header files of 3rd party easily in /usr/bin/include -> but will fail in mac os with error file not found
< jeffin143> So like this issue is only for mac
< shrit[m]1> Ok, so the issue is cmake is not looking at the default folder, is only looking at your working directory
< jeffin143[m]> Yes exactly
< jeffin143[m]> It is only looking at working directory
< shrit[m]1> and since protobuf is not natuarrly there it is stick
< shrit[m]1> *stuck
< jeffin143[m]> Yes
< jeffin143[m]> Yup yup
< shrit[m]1> Good, Actually this is more like feature on mac than Linux, since it is nearly impossible to change the default path on Linux for cmake, so let us try a thing
< shrit[m]1> (by the way, cmake sucks on paths so it is normal to have this kind of issue)
< jeffin143[m]> shrit: oh I never knew that
< jeffin143[m]> That's the reason it passes in Linux and fails on mac
< jeffin143[m]> > (by the way, cmake sucks on paths so it is normal to have this kind of issue)
< jeffin143[m]> I have been battling it for a long time
< jeffin143[m]> And I have seen you work in cmake quite a lot and hence fall back to you :)
< shrit[m]1> after that you will have to delete everything related to cmake in the build dir and build using cmake .. -DOPTION
< shrit[m]1> Just try to path the path manually to see if it can be detected
< jeffin143[m]> Thanks I will try it out
< shrit[m]1> You can also print CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH using message() and this will print to the terminal the path the path used by cmake to look for header
< jeffin143[m]> > You can also print CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH using message() and this will print to the terminal the path the path used by cmake to look for header
< jeffin143[m]> This is very helpful
< jeffin143[m]> I wanted to see whether it is actually the error I am assuming or something else
< jeffin143[m]> Thanks
< shrit[m]1> Also there are all these paths you can these on linux and mac os:
< jeffin143[m]> > Also there are all these paths you can these on linux and mac os:
< jeffin143[m]> Thanks for your time and all the help :)
< shrit[m]1> You are welcome
< jeffin143[m]> > You can also print CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH using message() and this will print to the terminal the path the path used by cmake to look for header
< jeffin143[m]> These are empty
< shrit[m]1> Exactly, it is empty by default if cmake is looking for default pathes
< shrit[m]1> that means that the default path for darwin (macOS) is not changed
< jeffin143[m]> > Also there are all these paths you can these on linux and mac os:
< jeffin143[m]> : it is never looking at the path I want
< jeffin143[m]> I mean /usr/bin/include is the think I want but it never go there
< jeffin143[m]> I printed the variable and found all the paths where it is looking for header files
< shrit[m]1> I never used a macOs in mylife, so I do not know the details, but if it is a Unix based cmake should look in /usr/local/include as it says in the docs
< jeffin143> `/usr/local;/usr;/;/usr/local/Cellar/cmake/3.16.2;/usr/local;/usr/X11R6;/usr/pkg;/opt;/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX10.15.sdk/usr;/sw;/opt/local`
< jeffin143> these are the paths
< jeffin143> the deafult path where brew installs the library is /usr/local/cellar
< jeffin143> and hence that is the issue
< shrit[m]1> And if you installed manually where does it go?
< jeffin143> and if you install by source it will get installed in /usr/bin/include
< jeffin143> that is the whole confusion my laptop had to suffer , Like I have two protobuf when using cmake it will deafult to /cellar one but when I install our library and it fetches it is fetching the include one
< jeffin143> sorry if it is by source the in /usr/local/include/
< jeffin143> and if it is by brew then /usr/local/cellar
< jeffin143> and hence brew doesn't work
< shrit[m]1> So cmake can find the one with /Cellar but not with the one manually instaled
< jeffin143> I am not really sure which one will cmake find both are of same version :)
< jeffin143> I will try to different version and then see
< shrit[m]1> you can try to add /usr/local/include path for the above paths you have printed, using the same variable I think, (it never worked for me on linux)
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< walragatver[m]> Hey jeffin143: I am just having one doubt. Why the macos build in other PR is not failing?
< walragatver[m]> Basically if it would have been a location issue then don't you think the build should fail in other PRs as well?
< walragatver[m]> > Hey jeffin143: I am just having one doubt. Why the macos build in other PR is not failing?
< walragatver[m]> The build mechanism is quite same right?
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< jeffin143[m]> In case of Linux g++ and cmake is behaving same like following the same convention of path
< jeffin143[m]> No there is difference between the running two instances , when we are running using normal g++ , our compiler will go to normal include dir , but we we use cmake it will not go to that dir , it will take the default one
< jeffin143[m]> But I am not sure why that is not the case for the mac os
< jeffin143[m]> walragatver: were you to locally test it ?
< walragatver[m]> walragatver: I will test in the midnight today
< jeffin143[m]> walragatver: ok
< walragatver[m]> Basically it would work
< jeffin143[m]> walragatver: also go to means here - like search for header files , in the specific paths
< walragatver[m]> It was working previously as well except the linking error
< jeffin143[m]> walragatver: there are chances it won't , some kind of segmentation fault πŸ˜‚
< jeffin143[m]> Let's hope for the best
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< walragatver[m]> jeffin143: Is the location issue resolved?
< walragatver[m]> Or you are still facing some issue with it?
< jeffin143[m]> walragatver : I am still facing it
< jeffin143[m]> I am trying something with cmake , shrit suggested some way out
< walragatver[m]> Okay
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< walragatver[m]> jeffin143: Everything is working perfectly in my system. The test is also passing and examples in readme are also working
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< jeffin143[m]> Ok but nothing is working in my system
< jeffin143[m]> Tagging
< walragatver[m]> Okay
< walragatver[m]> > shrit : now shrit like the test worked
< walragatver[m]> But running the example gives segmentation fault
< walragatver[m]> So this the problem right now right?
< walragatver[m]> Γ‡an you just show some screenshots etc.
< walragatver[m]> Jeffin143:
< walragatver[m]> Of the error
< walragatver[m]> jeffin143: tagging you
< jeffin143[m]> Yes it says header files are compiled with a older version
< jeffin143[m]> I have only version
< jeffin143[m]> In my laptop
< walragatver[m]> > I have only version
< walragatver[m]> Okay of what?
< jeffin143[m]> Protobuf
< jeffin143[m]>
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< jeffin143[m]> Ptal at the error
< jeffin143> see the test passes
< walragatver[m]> Okay what's the output of protoc --version
< walragatver[m]> jeffin143: have you hit make install after building?
< jeffin143> yes
< jeffin143> sry
< jeffin143> sry
< jeffin143> sry
< walragatver[m]> jeffin143: What happened?
< jeffin143> it worked
< jeffin143> huh
< jeffin143> I am really stupid
< walragatver[m]> jeffin143: Great.
< walragatver[m]> > I am really stupid
< walragatver[m]> It happens with everyone once someone gets frustrated
< walragatver[m]> jeffin143: let me know if you need any other help
< jeffin143> but that was a hack -> What I did is inside build dir created a symlink to the include ->
< jeffin143> but at least that worked
< walragatver[m]> Okay
< jeffin143> if you see the image google is just a symlink to the original since cmake is not able to find the headers , but now what I will do is take it using option in cmake -DPROTOBUF_PATH = /usr/local/include
< jeffin143> and that should work I gues
< jeffin143> walragatver[m] , let me know if that sounds ok to you ?
< walragatver[m]> I think birm: might also help you in this
< walragatver[m]> birm: In your free time look at #5 if possible
< jeffin143> I am really happy , that it worked, it really bugged my sleep, At least today I can sleep
< walragatver[m]> > if you see the image google is just a symlink to the original since cmake is not able to find the headers , but now what I will do is take it using option in cmake -DPROTOBUF_PATH = /usr/local/include
< walragatver[m]> Basically it might be great for novice
< walragatver[m]> jeffin143: most people don't know about install path etc.
< jeffin143> haha, no issue, I will have a talk with brim over this -> tommrrow we have meetup , our agenda will be this
< jeffin143> not tommrrow , tmrw is sat , sunday
< jeffin143> It has been many days inside room , forgot about days πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
< walragatver[m]> Tomorrow is Saturday
< walragatver[m]> jeffin143: what's the install path of protobuf when installed from source?
< HimanshuPathakGi> Hey @rcurtin @saksham189 I am trying to implement to train my kernel SVM it will support non-linear kernels like (Gaussian, polynomial, etc) and linear also. Sorry, it cost me time to understand the implementation. Do you have any suggestions over this. Also, @rcutin you were right about sklearn they are using `libsvm` for implementation we can test it with anyone of them.
< birm[m]> walragatver: I'll look at 5 in a bit!
< rcurtin> I would say my main suggestion is to make sure to templatize the KernelType (and the MatType too perhaps) :)
< rcurtin> for testing, we don't need to compare directly against scikit; I'd suggest instead setting up some number of non-linearly-separable problems that we would expect kernel SVM to be able to obtain perfect classification on
< jeffin143> walragatver[m] : when installed from source -> `/usr/local/include/google` --> when using brew , in will be /usr/local/Cellar/ and there would be `/usr/local/include/google` which would be symlink to /user/local/cellar/protobuf/3.11.3/include
< rcurtin> (for instance, two concentric circles, one of each class)
< walragatver[m]> > walragatver : when installed from source -> `/usr/local/include/google` --> when using brew , in will be /usr/local/Cellar/ and there would be `/usr/local/include/google` which would be symlink to /user/local/cellar/protobuf/3.11.3/include
< walragatver[m]> If there is symlink when installing from brew then why the build is failing?
< walragatver[m]> jeffin143: tagging you
< walragatver[m]> Oh yeah i got that
< walragatver[m]> jeffin143: it's looking only in build/include
< jeffin143> > jeffin143: it's looking only in build/include
< jeffin143> walragatver[m] : yes
< walragatver[m]> jeffin143: Have you seen the models repo.
< walragatver[m]> jeffin143: If you see mlpack is a dependency for the models repo and I think the above script is to findMlpack
< rcurtin> HimanshuPathakGi: sure, happy to help; looking forward to seeing the implementation come together :)
< walragatver[m]> rcurtin: This Cmake script is for finding mlpack in the system right?
< rcurtin> walragatver[m]: yeah, exactly
< walragatver[m]> rcurtin: Thanks
< walragatver[m]> jeffin143: Kindly refer CMake folder in the models repo to solve your issue
< jeffin143> walragatver[m] : it worked
< jeffin143> I tried thanks
< jeffin143> Now it is fetching from correct path
< jeffin143> you are god walragatver[m]
< jeffin143> `target_include_directories(mlboard_tests PRIVATE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/include ${PROTOBUF_INCLUDE_DIR})`
< jeffin143> this worked
< walragatver[m]> > `target_include_directories(mlboard_tests PRIVATE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/include ${PROTOBUF_INCLUDE_DIR})`
< walragatver[m]> jeffin143: You sure are about this?
< jeffin143> yes I just tried and tested it
< jeffin143> ${PROTOBUF_INCLUDE_DIR} -> gave the correct path
< jeffin143> it works in mac let's see in linux -> Will push and you may test it tmrw
< walragatver[m]> > ${PROTOBUF_INCLUDE_DIR} -> gave the correct path
< walragatver[m]> Is the that variable automatically generated?
< walragatver[m]> jeffin143: Once again forgot to tag you. :)
< jeffin143> walragatver[m] : I think -> FIND_PACKAGE(Protobuf REQUIRED)
< jeffin143> this line gives us that path
< jeffin143> it automatically get's set
< walragatver[m]> jeffin143: Okay great then
< jeffin143> yes
< jeffin143> :)
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< rcurtin> ok, added another build node "scott"; it's pretty weak (a core 2 with 4GB RAM) but it's better than nothing :)
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< zoq> rcurtin: Where does the name come from?
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< zoq> rcurtin: The interface looks different, new update?
< walragatver[m]> jeffin143: Let's try to wrap the unit testing PR till the end of this week.
< walragatver[m]> If you face any error. Keep posting the error with screenshot. On IRC.
< rcurtin> zoq: the same movie as bigglesworth :)
< rcurtin> zoq: missed your other question; yeah, I upgraded all the Jenkins plugins; somehow this seems to have changed the interface too
< zoq> rcurtin: great clips :)
< zoq> rcurtin: - I guess an issue we should fix
< rcurtin> right, I remember commenting about it in a PR somewhere I think? but anyway I should fix it
< rcurtin> I'll try and do that tomorrow
< zoq> ahh, okay first time I see the error
< rcurtin> I just can't remember where I commented about it...
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