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< KimSangYeon-DGU[> With the 156 epochs, the validation accuracy is 0.91797 for the imagenette dataset
< kartikdutt18[m]> Ahh, Thanks for the benchmark, I think that's a lot of epochs.
< kartikdutt18[m]> > I tried to check the training result, but I couldn't do that because PC has been freezing and doesn't work... So, I'll re-train after formatting it
< kartikdutt18[m]> Thanks again.
< kartikdutt18[m]> > kartikdutt18: About the weights, that's partially correct, but they are not initalized once you add them but if you call the ResetParameters() funtion in the ffn/rnn/gan class; that function is called automatically in the first forward pass, if not done before.
< kartikdutt18[m]> Makes sense.
< kartikdutt18[m]> I think I have enough information to develop a PoC, Let's try that first.
< kartikdutt18[m]> For the pretrained weights transfer.
< KimSangYeon-DGU[> <kartikdutt18[m] " I t"> Okay
< kartikdutt18[m]> Thanks a lot. Makes sense.
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< chopper_inbound[> Hello everyone! This is my weekly blog. Any suggestions/feedback is most welcome :)
< zoq> chopper_inbound[: Thanks for the update, the initalization changes look good, one suggestion for the next update, maybe you can link to the PRs.
< chopper_inbound[> zoq: Missed linking to PR this time. Will keep in mind next time. Thanks for reminding that :)
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< rcurtin> chopper_inbound[: thanks for the update, I enjoyed reading it. the image made me laugh :-D
< chopper_inbound[> rcurtin: 😂 yeah, i mean how much more chaotic 2020 wants to be?
< rcurtin> yeah, really :)
< jeffin143[m]>
< jeffin143[m]> Are you there ?
< walragatver[m]> jeffin143 : yes I am here
< jeffin143[m]> walragatver: did you try with fresh build dir
< jeffin143[m]> Like creating a new build and then cmake and make and mlboard_test ?
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< walragatver[m]> Yes jeffin143: an empty exist at the end
< walragatver[m]> Directory
< walragatver[m]> Even in fresh build
< walragatver[m]> I think the correct command in Linux is rm -rf foldername
< walragatver[m]> That would be the issue
< jeffin143[m]> I am not sure if that is possible in c++
< jeffin143[m]> Actually
< jeffin143[m]> I am delete all file
< jeffin143[m]> So the directory is empty
< jeffin143[m]> So -rf is not need rmdir should work
< jeffin143[m]> tagging tiu
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< walragatver[m]> jeffin143: Everything is getting deleted except the blank directory
< jeffin143[m]> Ok I have a vm
< jeffin143[m]> I will try to recreate the issue
< walragatver[m]> From which library you are using rmdir from unistd.h?
< walragatver[m]> jeffin143: Tagging you
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< jeffin143[m]> Yes
< jeffin143[m]>
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< walragatver[m]> jeffin143: I tried to debug it. It's throwing errorno 39 directory not empty
< himanshu_pathak[> <himanshu_pathak[ "Screenshot from 2020-06-24 01-54"> windows Buiild showing time 1d 17h I think it has gone mad :)
< jeffin143[m]> > jeffin143: I tried to debug it. It's throwing errorno 39 directory not empty
< jeffin143[m]> Not sure why
< jeffin143[m]> > > <> sent an image.
< jeffin143[m]> > windows Buiild showing time 1d 17h I think it has gone mad :)
< jeffin143[m]> Haha
< walragatver[m]> jeffim143: I found the error it's because of Linux system.
< walragatver[m]> There is a .fuse_hidden file which is present in the directory that's why deletion was not possible
< jeffin143[m]> Oh I see
< jeffin143[m]>
< jeffin143[m]> I can add post target command
< jeffin143[m]> Of deleting all the directory which has _temp*
< walragatver[m]> jeffin143: I am having a workaround but it's not that great
< walragatver[m]> > Of deleting all the directory which has _temp*
< walragatver[m]> jeffin143: you want to say in the cmake build?
< walragatver[m]> jeffin143: I was thinking to remove temp files after running catch:: Session ().run() in tests/main.cpp
< walragatver[m]> I tried it and it's removing successfully over there
< walragatver[m]> Let me know what you think
< jeffin143[m]> walragatver : that sound ok to me too
< jeffin143[m]> Can you push a quick fix ???