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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack weekly build build #104: STILL UNSTABLE in 6 hr 19 min:
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #682: FAILURE in 3 hr 19 min:
< chopper_inbound[> Hi zoq, Can you please review the PR #2351 when you get time? For now I've added gradient test and simple forward and backward test which passed :) Is there anything else I should consider adding?
< zoq> chopper_inbound[: Nice, will take a look later.
< chopper_inbound[> zoq: ok :)
< JoelJosephGitter> @naruarjun are you there?
< naruarjun[m]> Yes
< JoelJosephGitter> hi there
< JoelJosephGitter> how does your Sample function in episode replay work? i thought it works like :
< JoelJosephGitter> one whole episode(until terminal state) of data is given out when i do replayMethod.Sample(). Is that correct?
< naruarjun[m]> It has not yet merged.
< naruarjun[m]> I haven’t been able to work on it for a while as there are some issues at home. I’ll do it as soon as possible. Regarding usage, it is the same as randomReplay
< naruarjun[m]> There is a test failing that I need to check.
< JoelJosephGitter> ok
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