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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #685: STILL UNSTABLE in 3 hr 10 min:
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< Zadock> Hey I have a problem with building my project in visual studio 2019... I downloaded mlpack via vcpkg and I don't know how to remove OpenMP dependancy, or atleast get OpenMP 3.1+ support on MSVC
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< zoq> pickle-rick[m]: Really nice, just had some fun with the bandit demo :)
< zoq> Zadock: I think you can ignore the OpenMP not found warning, MSVC only has OpenMP 2.0 support.
< zoq> pickle-rick[m]: I like the Q-Learning demo, also at least on my system the font somewhat large.
< pickle-rick[m]> zoq: I'm glad you liked it! I'll try to fix the font size as well.
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