ChanServ changed the topic of #mlpack to: "mlpack: a fast, flexible machine learning library :: We don't always respond instantly, but we will respond; please be patient :: Logs at
< chopper_inbound4> Hey Shikhar Jaiswal (Gitter) , are you online? I need some help regarding #2364.
< jenkins-mlpack2> Yippee, build fixed!
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #671: FIXED in 3 hr 22 min:
ImQ009 has joined #mlpack
marko has joined #mlpack
< marko> hi
< marko> i cannot save LARS model in CPP
< marko> here is the code
< marko> / Declare GLM wh specific parameters.
< zoq> marko: Don't see any code so far.
< marko> OK
< marko> i repeat
< marko> line by line
< marko> mlpack::regression::LARS glm(0.25,0.25);
< marko> can you see now?
< marko> glm.Train(x_train, y_train, false);
< marko> mlpack::data::Save("glm.xml","model", glm, false, mlpack::data::format::xml);
< marko> ?
< jeffin143[m]> You can share code
< jeffin143[m]> Using pastebin marko
< jeffin143[m]> Also you can add comments there to quickly make us understand :)
< jeffin143[m]> I am guessing the ui here is not good enough
< marko> OK
< marko> i try again
< jeffin143[m]> If you need any help in sharing code let me know
< marko> mlpack::regression::LARS glm(0.25,0.25);
< marko> now?
< zoq> marko: What is the error you get?
< jeffin143[m]> Yeah it is good :)
< jeffin143[m]> If you are comfortable we are good
< marko> glm.Train(x_train, y_train, false);
< marko> mlpack::data::Save("glm.xml","model", glm, false, mlpack::data::format::xml);
< marko> that is the whole piece of the code
< marko> and the build is not sucessful
< zoq> marko: Okay, do you have error as well?
< marko> 'serialize': is not a member of 'arma::Mat<double>'
< zoq> What version are you using?
< marko> 3.1.1.-1
< marko> W10; VS2017CE; mlpack is installed via vcpkg
< marko> any help from the other side?
< zoq> marko: just did a quick test on and had no issues
< marko> looking at the doc
< zoq> marko: can you run the code and see if that works?
< marko> but save it
< marko> save the model
< marko> that is what i cannot do
< marko> this line fails
< zoq> like this, works as well
< marko> mlpack::data::Save("glm.xml","model", glm, false, mlpack::data::format::xml);
< marko> OK
< marko> then
< marko> I will analyze your example
< marko> and try to understand where is the error
< marko> in my program
< rcurtin> marko: I saw you were using 3.1.1; if you can upgrade, perhaps this might help
< rcurtin> zoq: it is so cool that the notebooks are working now... those gists are awesome :)
< marko> vcpg does not offer to upgrade
< marko> i mean
< marko> it says its all good
< marko> no newer version
< rcurtin> weird, they just updated to 3.2.2:
< rcurtin> and we just released 3.3.0
< zoq> marko: did you include: #include <mlpack/core.hpp>
< marko> of course...
< rcurtin> I don't know much about vcpkg though so I can't say why the newer version isn't available. you could always file a bug there? :) or maybe you can get it to work with 3.1.1
< zoq> Does vcpkg ship the executables as well?
< zoq> Looks like they do, maybe you can test the lars executable and see if you can save the model?
< marko> but if I understand
< marko> from the standpoint of syntax
< marko> you see nothing wrong with my code
< marko> ?
< marko> btw the error resides
< marko> in this file
< marko> c:\vcpkg\installed\x64-windows\include\boost\serialization\access.hpp
< zoq> Looked good to me, couldn't really run it because I don't have the data, but I guess it's pretty similar to what I used for testing?
< marko> than
< marko> all the best guys
< marko> and many, many thanks for help
< marko> i consider the gist instrucive
< marko> i will try to go on with debugging
< marko> btw I live in Augsburg :D
< rcurtin> =[]'
< rcurtin> oops, cat keyboard
< marko> no problem
< marko> :D
< zoq> marko: Augsburg, stay safe
< marko> you ca tell zoq that I have ran the code
< marko> and the code works
< marko> his code
< marko> :(
< marko> now i need to understand why my code is not working
< zoq> okay, strange
< marko> we will do the best
< marko> pandemic is declining here in Germany
< marko> thats good news
< marko> however, we will see what happens after that
< marko> than it becomes critical
< zoq> maybe you can post the code on pastbin or github gist, it's a little bit hard to read in irc :)
< marko> there is really nothing
< marko> to add
< marko> except i do not use beta
< marko> and there is decomposition is false
< marko> so i need to understand where is the error
< zoq> marko: That shouldn't change much.
< marko> because i have the XML with your model
< marko> i know
< zoq> okay, but that is good.
< marko> :(
< marko> many thanks
< marko> and keep up the good work
< marko> signing out
< zoq> I'm in Berlin, so I'm in a similar situtation.
< marko> yes
< marko> i know
< marko> i have alreaddy starred some of the Github repositories
< marko> that you have
< zoq> marko: :)
< marko> good work
< marko> impressive work
< marko> to be exact
< marko> im data scientist at MAN btw
< marko> so we might push a little bit more with this CPP thing
< zoq> Great, hopefullt mlpack can be of any help :)
< marko> its good environment for ML
< marko> maybe better than Java
< marko> we will se
< zoq> Right, I guess python is strong too.
< marko> there is slightly more emphasis on classification tasks
< marko> I would say that regression tasks are underrepresented in MLPack
< marko> but it is still solid
< zoq> The field is so broad it's tricky to keep up.
< jeffin143[m]> And it also grows
< jeffin143[m]> So consuming it becomes
< jeffin143[m]> More difficult
< jeffin143[m]> Each day they is some new things Ppppin
< jeffin143[m]> Popping up
< jeffin143[m]> I have made a list to read those and it has only grew , can't keep even track of it
< marko> its important that there is progress
< marko> keep up the good work
< marko> we keep in touch
< marko> regards
< zoq> see you around
marko has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
< jeffin143[m]> :)
< abernauer[m]> IT job check scams are still a thing during pandemic times.
ImQ009 has quit [Quit: Leaving]